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Unitit States

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(Reguidit frae Unitit States o Americae)
Unitit States o Americae

Inglis: the United States
"E pluribus unum" (Laitin) (tradeetional)
"Oot o mony, ane"
Projection o North Americae wi the Unitit States in green
CaipitalWashington, D.C.
38°53′N 77°01′W / 38.883°N 77.017°W / 38.883; -77.017
Lairgest ceetyNew York Ceety
Offeecial leidsNone at federal level[a]
Naitional leidInglis[b]
GovrenmentFederal presidential constitutional republic
• Preses
Joe Biden (D)
Kamala Harris (D)
Mike Johnson (R)
John Roberts
Hoose o Representatives
• Declared
Julie 4, 1776
September 3, 1783
Juin 21, 1788
• Total
9,826,675 km2 (3,794,100 sq mi)[4][c] (3rd/4th)
• Water (%)
• 2020 census
Neutral increase 331,449,281[5] (3rd)
• Density
87/sq mi (33.6/km2) (146t)
GDP (PPP)2021 estimate
• Total
Increase $22.940 trillion[6] (2nt)
• Per capita
Increase $69,375[6] (8t)
GDP (nominal)2021 estimate
• Tot
Increase $22.940 trillion[6] (1st)
• Per capita
Increase $69,375[6] (5t)
Gini (2020)negative increase 48.5[7]
HDI (2019)Increase 0.926[8]
verra heich · 17t
CurrencyUnitit States dollar ($) (USD)
Time zoneUTC−5 to −10
• Summer (DST)
UTC−4 to −10[e]
Drivin sidericht[g]
Cawin code+1
ISO 3166 codeUS
Internet TLD.us   .gov   .mil   .edu
  1. ^ Inglish is the offeecial leid o at least 28 states; some soorces gie heicher figurs, based on differin defineetions o "offeecial".[9] Inglish an Hawaiian are baith offeecial leids in the state o Hawaii.
  2. ^ Inglis is the de facto leid o American govrenment an the sole leid spoken at home bi 80 percent o Americans aged five an aulder. Spainyie is the seicont maist commonly spoken leid.
  3. ^ Whether the Unitit States or Cheenae is lairger haes been disputit. The figur gien is frae the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency's The Warld Factbeuk. Ither soorces gie smawer figurs. Aw authoritative calculations o the kintra's size include anly the 50 states an the Destrict o Columbia, nae the territories.
  4. ^ The population estimate is o fowk whose uisual residence is within the 50 states an the Destrict o Columbia, regardless o naitionality. It daes nae include those livin in the territories (ower 4 million fowk, maistly in Puerto Rico).
  5. ^ See Time in the Unitit States for details aboot laws govrenin time zones in the Unitit States.
  6. ^ Daes nae include insular auries an Unitit States Minor Ootlyin Islands, which hae thair ain ISO 3166 codes.
  7. ^ Except U.S. Virgin Islands.
A pictur o the lawer 48 states Americae.

The Unitit States o Americae (Inglis: United States of America), commonly referred tae as the Unitit States (Inglis: United States, U.S.) or Americae (Inglis: America) or in navajo (Navajo leid Wááshindoon Bikéyah Ałhidadiidzooígíí), is a constitutional federal republic componed o 50 states, a federal destrict, five main sel-govrening territories, an ither possessions.[fn 1] Forty-aicht o the fifty states an the federal destrict border each ither an locatit in North Americae atween Canadae an Mexico. The state o Alaska is in the northwast neuk o North Americae, bordered bi Canadae tae the east an athort the Bering Strait frae Roushie tae the wast. The state o Hawaii is an airchipelago in the mid-Pacific Ocean. The U.S. territories are scattered aboot the Paceefic Ocean an the Caribbean Sea. Nine time zones are covered. The geografie, climate an wildlife o the kintra are extremely diverse.[12]

At 3.8 million squerr miles (9.8 million km2)[13] an wi ower 324 million fowk, the Unitit States is the warld's fowert-lairgest kintra bi tot aurie (an fowerth-mucklest bi laund aurie)[fn 2] an the third-maist populous. It is ane o the warld's maist ethnically diverse an multicultural naitions, an is hame tae the warld's mucklest nummer o immigrant fowk.[18] Urbanisation climbed tae oweer 80% in 2010 an leads tae growin megaregions. The kintra's caipital is Washington, D.C. an its mucklest ceety is New York Ceety; the ither major metropolitan auries, aw wi aroond five million or mair indwallers, are Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Boston, Dallas, Philadelphia, Houston, Miami, an Atlanta.

Paleo-Indians migrated frae Asie tae the North American mainland at least 15,000 year ago.[19] European colonisation began in the 16t century. The Unitit States emerged frae 13 Breetish colonies alang the East Coast. Mony disputes atween Great Breetain an the colonies in the eftermath o the Seiven Years' War led tae the American Revolution, whilk began in 1775. On Julie 4, 1776, as the colonies war fichtin Great Breetain in the American Revolutionary War, delegates frae the 13 colonies unanimously adoptit the Declaration o Unthirldom. The war endit in 1783 wi recogneetion o the unthirldom o the Unitit States bi Great Breetain, an wis the first successfu war o unthirldom against a European colonial empire.[20] The current constitution wis adoptit in 1788, efter the Airticles o Confederation, adoptit in 1781, war felt tae hae providit inadequate federal pouers. The first ten amendments, collectively named the Bill o Richts, war ratified in 1791 an designed tae guarantee mony fundamental ceevil liberties.

The Unitit States gaed on a vigorous expansion athort North Americae throuoot the 19t century,[21] displacin American Indian tribes, acquirin new territories, an gradually admittin new states till it spanned the continent in 1848.[21] During the seicont hauf o the 19t century, the American Ceevil War led tae the end o legal slavery in the kintra.[22][23] Bi the end o that century, the Unitit States extendit intae the Pacific Ocean,[24] an its economy, driven in muckle pairt bi the Industrial Revolution, began tae growe a lot.[25] The Spaingie–American War an Warld War I confirmed the kintra's status as a global militar pouer. The Unitit States emerged frae Warld War II as a global superpouer, the first kintra tae develop nuclear wappens, the anly kintra tae uise them in warfare, an a permanent member o the Unitit Naitions Security Cooncil. It is a foondin member o the Organisation o American States (OAS) an various ither Pan-American an internaitional organisations. The end o the Cauld War an the end o the Soviet Union in 1991 left the Unitit States as the warld's sole superpouer.[26]

The Unitit States is a heichly developed kintra, wi the warld's mucklest economy bi nominal GDP. It ranks heichly in several meisurs o socioeconomic performance, includin average wage,[27] human development, per capita GDP, an productivity per person.[28] While the U.S. economy is considered post-industrial, chairacterised bi the dominance o services an knawledge economy, the manufacturin sector remains the seicont-mucklest in the warld.[29] Tho its population is anly 4.3% o the warld tot,[30] the Unitit States accoonts for nearly a quarter o warld GDP[31] an ower a third o global militar spendin,[32] makkin it the warld's foremaist economic an militar pouer. The Unitit States is a prominent poleetical an cultural force internaitionally, an a leader in scienteefic resairch an technological innovations.[33]


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Follaein the European colonisation o the Americaes, aw thirteen o Great Breetain's American colonies spleet frae the mither kintra an formit the Unitit States, the warld's first constitutional an democratic federal republic, efter thair declaration o unthirldom in 1776 an the Weir o Unthirldom (17751783). Great Breetain made peace wi the rebols an wi the Treaty o Pairis in 1783. For tae mak a stoot colonol govrenment, the Philadelphia Convention wis foondit in 1787 an raitifeet a constitution in 1788, an the farst Unitit States Senate, Hoose o Representatives, an preses tak office in 1789. George Washington wis the first preses.

Differences o opinion an social order atween northren an soothern states in early Unitit States society, pairteecularly regairdin Black sclavery, ultimately led tae the American Ceevil War.[34] Follaein the Union victory in 1865, three amendments war addit tae the U.S. Constitution: the Thirteent Amendment prohibitit sclavery, the Fowerteent Amendment providit ceetizenship tae the nearly fower million African Americans wha haed been sclaves,[35] an the Fifteent Amendment ensured that thay haed the richt tae vote.

The Unitit States remained neutral frae the ootbreak o Warld War I, in 1914, till 1917 whan it jyned the war as an "associatit pouer", alangside the formal Allies o Warld War I, helpin tae turn the tide against the Central Pouers. In 1920, the weemen's richts muivement wan passage o a constitutional amendment grantin weemen's suffrage.[36] The 1920s an 1930s saw the rise o radio for mass communication an the invention o early televeesion.[37] The prosperity o the Roaring Twenties endit wi the Wall Street Crash o 1929 an the onset o the Great Depression. Efter his election as preses in 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt respondit wi the New Deal, whit included the establishment o the Social Security seestem.[38] At first effectively neutral during Warld War II while Germany conquered much o continental Europe, the Unitit States began supplyin material tae the Allies in Mairch 1941 throu the Lend-Lease programme. On December 7, 1941, the Empire o Japan launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, promptin the Unitit States tae jyn the Allies against the Axis pouers.[39] The Unitit States developed the first nuclear wappens an uised them on Japan in the ceeties o Hiroshima an Nagasaki; causin the Japanese tae surrender on September 2, endin Warld War II.[40][41]

Efter Warld War II the Unitit States an the Soviet Union jockeyed for pouer during whit acame kent as the Cauld War, driven bi an ideological divide atween caipitalism an communism[42] an, accordin tae the schuil o geopolitics, a divide atween the maritime Atlantic an the continental Eurasian camps. American truips focht communist Cheenese an North Korean forces in the Korean War o 1950–53.[43] The Soviet Union's 1957 launch o the first airtifeecial satellite an its 1961 launch o the first manned spaceflicht ineetiatit a "Space Race" in whit the Unitit States acame the first naition tae laund a man on the muin in 1969.[43] A proxy war in Sootheast Asie eventually evolved intae full American pairteecipation, as the Vietnam War. At hame in the 1960s, the growin Ceevil Richts Muivement uised nonviolence tae confront segregation an discrimination, wi Martin Luther King Jr. acomin a prominent leader an figurheid.

The late 1980s, unner the presidency o Ronald Reagan, brocht a "thowe" in relations wi the USSR, an its collapse in 1991 finally endit the Cauld War.[44][45][46][47]

On September 11, 2001, Al-Qaeda terrorists struck the Warld Trade Center in New York Ceety an the Pentagon near Washington, D.C., killin nearly 3,000 fowk.[48] In response, the Unitit States launched the War on Terror, whilk included war in Afghanistan an the 2003–11 Iraq War.[49][50]

Unner Preses Barack Obama, American forces in Iraq war widrawn in muckle nummers in 2009 an 2010, an the war in the region wis declared formally ower in December 2011.[51] The widrawal caused an escalation o sectarian insurgency,[52] leadin tae the rise o the Islamic State o Iraq an the Levant, the successor o al-Qaeda in the region.[53]

Geografie, climate, an environs

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The laund aurie o the contiguous Unitit States is 2,959,064 square mile (7,663,940.6 km2). Alaska, separatit frae the contiguous Unitit States bi Canadae, is the mucklest state at 663,268 square mile (1,717,856.2 km2). Hawaii, occupyin an airchipelago in the central Paceefic, soothwast o North Americae, is 10,931 square mile (28,311 km2) in aurie. The populatit territories o Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, Northren Mariana Islands, an U.S. Virgin Islands thegither civer 9,185 square mile (23,789 km2).[54]

The Unitit States, wi its muckle size an geografic variety, includes maist climate teepes. Tae the east o the 100t meridian, the climate ranges frae humid continental in the north tae humid subtropical in the sooth.[55] The Great Plains wast o the 100t meridian are semi-arid. Much o the Wastren moontains hae an alpine climate. The climate is arid in the Great Basin, desert in the Soothwast, Mediterranean in coastal Californie, an oceanic in coastal Oregon an Washington an soothren Alaska. Maist o Alaska is subarctic or polar. Hawaii an the soothren tip o Florida are tropical, as are the populatit territories in the Caribbean an the Paceefic.[56]


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The U.S. ecology is megadiverse: aboot 17,000 species o vascular plants occur in the contiguous Unitit States an Alaska, an ower 1,800 species o flouering plants are foond in Hawaii, few o whit occur on the mainland.[57] The Unitit States is hame tae 428 mammal species, 784 bird species, 311 reptile species, an 295 amphibian species.[58] Aboot 91,000 insect species hae been describit.[59] The bauld eagle is baith the naitional bird an naitional ainimal o the Unitit States, an is an endurin seembol o the kintra itsel.[60]

The Unitit States is hame tae mony culturs an a wide variety o ethnic groups, tradeetions, an values.[18][61] Aside frae the Hamespun American, Hamespun Hawaiian, an Hamespun Alaskan populations, nearly aw Americans or thair ancestors settled or emigratit within the past five centuries.[62] Mainstream American cultur is a Wastren cultur mucklely derived frae the tradeetions o European emigrants wi influences frae mony ither soorces, sic as tradeetions brocht bi slaves frae Africae.[18][63]


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Mainstream American cuisine is seemilar tae that in ither Wastren kintras. Chairactereestic dishes sic as aiple pie, fried chicken, pizza, hamburgers, an het dogs derive frae the recipes o various emigrants. French fries, Mexican dishes sic as burritos an tacos, an pasta dishes freely adaptit frae Italian soorces are widely consumed.[64] Americans drink three times as much coffee as tea.[65] Mercatin bi U.S. industries is mucklely responsible for makkin orange juice an milk ubiquitous breakfast beverages.[66][67]

In leeturatur, Edgar Allen Poe, Emily Dickenson, Mark Twain, William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Herman Melville, an John Steinbeck are amang the maist weel kent Americans, while Jackson Pollock, Georgia O'Keefe, an Andy Warhol are some o the maist weel kent American painters.

Hollywood, a northren destrict o Los Angeles, Californie, is ane o the leaders in motion pictur production.[68] Syne the early 20t century, the U.S. film industry haes mucklely been based in an aroond Hollywood, awtho in the 21st century an increasin nummer o films are nae made thare, an film companies hae been subject tae the forces o globalisation.[69]

Muisic in Americae haes been influenced bi African-American cultur, wi Duke Ellington an Louis Armstrong pioneerin the Jazz genre. Elvis Presley an Buddy Holly war leadin airtists in pioneerin popular muisic in the 1950s. Syne then, the Unitit States haes produced mony popular airtists, includin Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Madonna, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift, an Beyoncé, amang mony ithers.

American fitbaa is the maist popular sport in the Unitit States.[70] The National Football League (NFL) haes the heichest average attendance o ony sports league in the warld, an the Super Bowl is watched bi millions globally. Basebaw haes been regairdit as the U.S. naitional sport syne the late 19t century, wi Major League Baseball (MLB) bein the tap league. Basketbaw an ice hockey are the kintra's next twa leadin professional team sports, wi the tap leagues bein the National Basketball Association (NBA) an the National Hockey League (NHL).

Aight Olympic Gemmes hae taken place in the Unitit States. As o 2014, the Unitit States haes wan 2,400 medals at the Simmer Olympic Gemmes, mair nor ony ither kintra, an 281 in the Winter Olympic Gemmes, the seicont maist behind Norawa.[71]

States o the Unitit States

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  1. The five major territories are American Samoa, Guam, the Northren Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, an the Unitit States Virgin Islands. Thare are eleven smawer island auries withoot permanent populations: Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Atoll, an Palmyra Atoll. U.S. sovereignty ower Bajo Nuevo Bank, Navassa Island, Serranilla Bank, an Wake Island is disputit.[11]
  2. The follaein twa primary soorces (non-mirrored) represent the range (min./max.) o tot aurie for Cheenae an the Unitit States. Baith soorces exclude Taiwan frae the aurie o Cheenae.
    1. The Encyclopædia Britannica lets Cheenae as warld's third-lairgest kintra (efter Roushie an Canadae) wi a tot aurie o 9,572,900 sq km,[14] an the Unitit States as fowert-lairgest at 9,526,468 sq km. The figur for the Unitit States is less nor in the CIA Factbook acause it excludes coastal an territorial watters.[15]
    2. The CIA World Factbook leets the Unitit States as the third-lairgest kintra (efter Roushie an Canadae) wi tot aurie o 9,833,517 sq km,[16] an Cheenae as fowert-lairgest at 9,596,960 sq km.[17] This figur for the Unitit States is greater nor in the Encyclopædia Britannica acause it includes coastal an territorial watters.


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  1. 36 U.S.C. § 302 National motto
  2. Simonson, 2010
  3. Dept. of Treasury, 2011
  4. "United States". The World Factbook. CIA. September 30, 2009. Archived frae the original on 2018-12-25. Retrieved January 5, 2010 (area given in square kilometers). Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)
  5. "Census Bureau's 2020 Population Count". United States Census. Retrieved 26 Apryle 2021. The 2020 census is as of April 1, 2020.
  6. a b c d "World Economic Outlook Database, October 2021". IMF.org. International Monetary Fund. Retrieved 13 October 2021.
  7. "Income inequality in America is the highest it's been since Census Bureau started tracking it, data shows". The Washington Post. Retrieved 27 Julie 2020.
  8. "Human Development Report 2020: The Next Frontier: Human Development and the Anthropocene" (PDF) (in Inglis). United Nations Development Programme. 15 December 2020. Retrieved 15 December 2020.
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  10. "Ecological Footprint Atlas 2010" (PDF). Global Footprint Network. Archived frae the original (PDF) on 9 Julie 2011. Retrieved 11 Julie 2011.
  11. U.S. State Department, Common Core Document to U.N. Committee on Human Rights, December 30, 2011, Item 22, 27, 80.— an U.S. General Accounting Office Report, U.S. Insular Areas: application of the U.S. Constitution Archived 2020-02-29 at the Wayback Machine, November 1997, p. 1, 6, 39n. Both viewed April 6, 2016.
  12. "Wildlife Library". National Wildlife Federation. Retrieved 23 December 2014.
  13. "State and other areas", U.S. Census Bureau, MAF/TIGER database as of August 2010, excluding the U.S. Minor Outlying Islands. viewed October 22, 2014.
  14. "China". Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved 31 Januar 2010.
  15. "United States". Encyclopaedia Britannica. Retrieved 31 Januar 2010.
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  23. Britannica Educational Publishing (2009). Wallenfeldt, Jeffrey H. (ed.). The American Civil War and Reconstruction: People, Politics, and Power. America at War. Rosen Publishing Group. p. 264. ISBN 978-1-61530-045-7.
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