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Category:Pages uisin ISBN magic airtins

Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge

This category tracks pages using ISBN magic links. Magic links will be removed from the MediaWiki code at some point. As of November 2016, there is no need to make changes to these pages. A consensus decision will determine how these identifiers should be modified. (For further information see mw:Requests for comment/Future of magic links, for current alternative ways of creating these links see mw:Help:Magic links.)

For a list of MediaWiki-populated tracking categories, see Special:TrackingCategories.

Airticles in category "Pages uisin ISBN magic airtins"

The follaein 200 pages is in this categerie, oot o 844 awthegither.

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Items in categerie "Pages uisin ISBN magic airtins"

This categerie hauds juist the ae follaein file.