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Star Wars Episode II: Attack o the Clones

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Star Wars Episode II:
Attack o the Clones
Directit biGeorge Lucas
Produced biRick McCallum
Screenplay bi
Story biGeorge Lucas
Muisic biJohn Williams
CinematographyDavid Tattersall
Eeditit biBen Burtt
Distributit bi20th Century Fox1
Release date
  • 16 Mey 2002 (2002-05-16)
Rinnin time
142 minutes
KintraUnitit States
Budget$115 million[1]
Box office$649.4 million[1]

Star Wars Episode II: Attack o the Clones is a 2002 American epic space opera film directit bi George Lucas an written bi Lucas an Jonathan Hales. It is the fift film tae be released in the Star Wars series an stars Ewan McGregor, Hayden Christensen, Natalie Portman, Christopher Lee, Ian McDiarmid, an Samuel L. Jackson.


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Country Premiere
 Unitit Arab Emirates 16 May 2002
Netherlands Antilles Netherlands Antilles 16 May 2002
 Austrick 16 May 2002
 Australie 16 May 2002
Aruba Aruba 16 May 2002
 Canadae 16 May 2002
  Swisserland 16 May 2002
 Czech Republic 16 May 2002
 Germany 16 May 2002
 Denmark 16 May 2002
 Finland 16 May 2002
 Unitit Kinrick 16 May 2002
 Hong Kong 16 May 2002
 Croatie 16 May 2002
 Hungary 16 May 2002
 Ireland 16 May 2002
 Italy 16 May 2002
 Jordan 16 May 2002
 Kuwait 16 May 2002
 Kazakhstan 16 May 2002
 Lebanon 16 May 2002
 Lithuanie 16 May 2002
 Latvie 16 May 2002
 Malaysie 16 May 2002
 Norawa 16 May 2002
 New Zealand 16 May 2002
 Philippines 16 May 2002
 Poland 16 May 2002
 Puerto Rico 16 May 2002
 Romanie 16 May 2002
 Roushie 16 May 2002
 Swaden 16 May 2002
 Singapore 16 May 2002
 Slovenie 16 May 2002
 Slovakie 16 May 2002
 Sirie 16 May 2002
 Thailand 16 May 2002
 Turkey 16 May 2002
 Unitit States 16 May 2002
 Belgium 17 May 2002
Burkina Faso Burkina Faso 17 May 2002
 Bulgarie 17 May 2002
 Ivory Coast 17 May 2002
 Estonie 17 May 2002
 Spain 17 May 2002
 Fraunce 17 May 2002
 Greece 17 May 2002
 Israel 17 May 2002
 Iceland 17 May 2002
 Morocco 17 May 2002
 Netherlands 17 May 2002
 Portugal 17 May 2002
 Taiwan 17 May 2002
 Egyp 29 May 2002
 Indie 7 June 2002
 Ukraine 8 June 2002
 Colombie 14 June 2002
 Bolivie 20 June 2002
 Guatemala 21 June 2002
 Honduras 21 June 2002
 Panama 21 June 2002
 Sooth Africae 21 June 2002
 Costa Rica 28 June 2002
 Brazil 1 July 2002
 Mexico 1 July 2002
 Argentinae 4 July 2002
 Belize 4 July 2002
 Chile 4 July 2002
 Dominican Republic 5 July 2002
 Sooth Korea 5 July 2002
 Paraguay 5 July 2002
 Uruguay 5 July 2002
 Barbados 10 July 2002
 Jamaica 10 July 2002
 Trinidad an Tobago 10 July 2002
 Nicaragua 11 July 2002
 Cheenae 12 July 2002
 Ecuador 12 July 2002
 Japan 13 July 2002
 Peru 18 July 2002
 El Salvador 26 July 2002

Ten year efter the Trade Federation's invasion o Naboo, the Galactic Republic is threitent bi a Separatist muivement organisit bi umwhile Jedi Master Coont Dooku. Senator Padmé Amidala comes Coruscant tae vote on a plan tae create an airmy o the Republic tae assist the Jedi agin this threit. Narraely joukin an assassination attempt upon arrival, she is placed unner the fendin o Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi an his apprentice Anakin Skywalker. The twa Jedi thwart anither attempt on her life an subdue the assassin, Zam Wesell, a shape-shifter that is killt bi her boonty hunter client wi a toxic dart afore she can reveal his identity. The Jedi Cooncil assigns Obi-Wan tae identify an captur the boonty hunter, whiles Anakin is assigned tae escort Padmé back tae Naboo, whaur the twa faw in luv.

Obi-Wan's investigation leads him tae the remote ocean planet Kamino, whaur he discovers an airmy o clones is bein produced for the Republic, wi boonty hunter Jango Fett servin as thair genetic template. Obi-Wan deduces Jango tae be the boonty hunter he is seekin, an follaes him an his clone son Boba tae the desert planet Geonosis via a homin beacon placed on their ship, the Slave I. Meanwhile, Anakin becomes troubled bi premoneetions o his mither Shmi in pain, an vaiyages tae Tatooine wi Padmé tae save her. Thay meet Owen Lars, Anakin's stepbrither that is the son o Shmi's new husband Cliegg Lars. Cliegg tells Anakin that Shmi wis taen bi Tusken Raiders weeks earlier an is maist likely dead. Determined tae find her, Anakin venturs oot an finds the Tusken campsite. He discovers ower late that his mither haes been torturt bi the tribe. As she dees frae her woonds, Shmi reunites wi Anakin. Anakin kills the Tuskens in his rage an returns tae the Lars hamesteid wi Shmi's body. Efter revealin his deed tae Padmé, Anakin says that he wants tae prevent daith.

On Geonosis, Obi-Wan discovers a Separatist gaitherin led bi Count Dooku, that Obi-Wan learns haed authorised Padmé's assassination an is developin a new battle droid airmy thegither wi Trade Federation Viceroy Nute Gunray. Obi-Wan transmits his findins tae Anakin tae relay tae the Jedi Cooncil, but is capturt mid-transmission. Wi wittins o the clone airmy, Chancellor Palpatine is votit emergency pouers tae send the clones intae battle. Anakin an Padmé journey tae Geonosis tae rescue Obi-Wan, but are capturt an aa. The three are sentenced tae daith, but are eventually saufed bi a battalion o Jedi an clone troopers led bi Mace Windu an Yoda; Jango is killt bi Mace durin the rescue. As the clone an droid airmies battle, Obi-Wan an Anakin intercept Dooku an the three engage in a lichtsaber battle. Dooku wins, injurin Obi-Wan an severing Anakin's richt airm, but then Yoda arrives an engages the Coont in a duel. Findin he is unable tae defeat Yoda, Dooku flees. Arrivin at Coruscant, he delivers blueprints for a superweapon tae his Sith master, Darth Sidious, that confirms that everything is gangin weel an as planned. As the Jedi gravely acknawledge the beginnin o the Clone Wars, Anakin is fittit wi a robotic airm an secretly mairries Padmé on Naboo, wi C-3PO an R2-D2 as thair witnesses.


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  1. a b "Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones". boxofficemojo.com. 2002. Retrieved 9 Juin 2006.