2 October
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The 2t o October is the 275t day o the year (276t in lowp years) in the Gregorian Calendar, wi 90 days bidin.

- 1187 – Saladin conquers Jerusalem endin 88 year o Crusader Rule.
- 1263 – Battle o Largs atween Scotland an Norawa.
- 1535 – Jacques Cartier reaches present-day Montreal.
- 1814 – Battle o Rancagua in Chile.
- 1836 – HMS Beagle, wi Charles Darwin on baird, arrives back in Ingland.
- 1925 – John Logie Baird demonstrates the first wirkin televeesion seestem.
- 1935 – Italy invades Abyssinie.
- 1952 – Wast Germany's Bundestag decides against the introduction o caipital punishment.
- 1955 – ENIAC, ane o the first computers, is switchit aff.
- 1958 – Guinea declares its unthirldom frae Fraunce.
- 1988 – End o the 1988 Simmer Olympics in Seoul, Sooth Korea.
- 1992 – Riots in the owercroudit Carandiru prison in Sao Paulo, Brazil, leave 111 fowk deed.
- 1993 – Moscow riots bi hairdline Communists.
- 1996 – An Aeroperu Boeing 757 crashes intae the Paceefic Ocean shortly efter tak-aff frae Lima, Peru, killin 70 fowk.
- 1997 – The Amsterdam Treaty is signed.
- 2007 – Sooth Korean Preses Roh Moo-hyun crosses the mairch intae North Korea for talks.
- 2009 – The 2016 Simmer Olympics are gien tae Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- 2009 – Maist voters in the Republic o Ireland support the European Union's Lisbon Treaty in a seicont vote on the issue.
- 2016 – Voters in Colombie reject a peace deal atween the govrenment an the FARC bi a nairae margin.
- 2018 – Nobel Prize in Pheesics: Donna Strickland becomes only the thrid female laureate in Pheesics, while Arthur Ashkin (agit 96) becomes the auldest-iver Nobel laureate - they share the prize wi Gerard Mourou.
- 2018 – Saudi jurnalist Jamal Khashoggi is murthert inside Saudi Arabie's consulate in Istanbul, Turkey.

- 1452 – Richard III o Ingland (d. 1485)
- 1805 – William Cunningham, Scots theologian (d. 1861)
- 1847 – Paul von Hindenburg, Preses o Germany (d. 1934)
- 1851 – Ferdinand Foch, French general (d. 1929)
- 1852 – William Ramsay, Scots chemist (d. 1916)
- 1854 – Patrick Geddes, Scots polymath (d. 1932)
- 1869 – Mahatma Gandhi, Indian activist an philosopher (d. 1948)
- 1871 – Cordell Hull, Unitit States Secretar o State (d. 1955)
- 1890 – Groucho Marx, American comedian, actor an sangster (d. 1977)
- 1904 – Lal Bahadur Shastri, 2nt Prime meenister o Indie (d. 1966)
- 1904 – Graham Greene, Inglis writer (d. 1991)
- 1907 – Alexander R. Todd, Baron Todd, Scots biochemist (d. 1997)
- 1917 – Christian de Duve, Belgian biochemist (d. 2013)
- 1933 – John Gurdon, Inglis biologist
- 1944 – Willie Morgan, Scots fitbawer
- 1949 – Annie Leibovitz, American photographer
- 1951 – Romina Power, American sangster
- 1951 – Sting, Inglis sangster
- 1953 – Willie Pettigrew, Scots fitbawer
- 1961 – Derek Turnbull, Scots rugby union player
- 1964 – John Robertson, Scots fitbawer
- 1973 – Maria Wetterstrand, Swadish politeecian
- 1982 – Stephen Pearson, Scots fitbawer
- 1984 – Marion Bartoli, French tennis player
- 1764 – William Cavendish, 4t Duke o Devonshire, Prime Meenister o Great Breetain (b. 1720)
- 1803 – Samuel Adams, American politeecian (b. 1722)
- 1920 – Max Bruch, German componer an conductor (b. 1838)
- 1927 – Svante Arrhenius, Swadish chemist (b. 1859)
- 1931 – Thomas Lipton, Scots merchand an yachtsman (b. 1848)
- 1968 – Marcel Duchamp, French airtist (b. 1887)
- 1973 – Paavo Nurmi, Finnish runner (b. 1897)
- 1985 – Rock Hudson, American actor (b. 1925)
- 2017 – Tom Petty, American muisicker (b. 1950)
- 2018 – Jamal Khashoggi, Saudi jurnalist (b. 1958)
- 2019 – Giya Kancheli, Georgie componer (b. 1935)
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