Category:Wikipaedia airticles wi NKC identifiers
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Airticles in category "Wikipaedia airticles wi NKC identifiers"
The follaein 200 pages is in this categerie, oot o 2,646 awthegither.
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- Frank Abagnale
- Niels Henrik Abel
- Abkhaz leid
- Alexei Alexeyevich Abrikosov
- Victoria Abril
- Abstract algebra
- Abu Simbel temples
- Acanthocephala
- Acari
- Accoontin
- Chinua Achebe
- Achilles
- Acre (state)
- Acre, Israel
- Acts o the Apostles
- Gilbert Adair
- Richard Adams
- Adansonia
- Jane Addams
- Adele
- Aden
- Alfred Adler
- Adomnán
- Ben Affleck
- Africae
- African bush elephant
- Afrikaans leid
- Age o Enlichtenment
- Agein
- Agesilaus II
- Maria Gaetana Agnesi
- Ahura Mazda
- Aik
- Ainster
- Aiple
- Airth
- A.J. Aitken
- William Aiton
- Ajka
- Aladdin (1992 Disney film)
- Alan Bissett
- Jessica Alba
- Albainie
- Albanies
- Albert, Prince Consort
- Albertus Magnus
- Tomaso Albinoni
- Madeleine Albright
- Buzz Aldrin
- Alès
- Aleut leid
- Alexandra Feodorovna (Alix o Hesse)
- Zhores Alferov
- Alfonso X o Castile
- Algae
- Algerie
- Algorithm
- Heydar Aliyev
- Alkali metal
- Alkaline yird metal
- Lily Allen
- Paul Allen
- Woody Allen
- Isabel Allende
- Salvador Allende
- Allier
- Pedro Almodóvar
- Almoravid dynasty
- Aloe
- Alpaca
- Alphabet
- Alps
- Charles Alston (botanist)
- Alternative for Germany
- Louis Althusser
- Alumeenium
- Amaranthus
- American Mathematical Society
- American Revolutionary War
- Ammonoidea
- Ammuneetion
- Amphibian
- Amphipoda
- Amritsar
- Roald Amundsen
- Analytic geometry
- Analytic philosophy
- Anarchist communism
- Anatidae
- Anaximenes o Miletus
- Carlo Ancelotti
- Carl David Anderson
- Gillian Anderson
- Pamela Anderson
- Philip Warren Anderson
- Andes
- Giulio Andreotti
- Julie Andrews
- Android (operatin seestem)
- Livius Andronicus
- Maya Angelou
- Anglo-Saxons
- Angola
- Animal locomotion
- Animals
- Jennifer Aniston
- Annecy
- Annelid
- Anselm o Canterbury
- Antenna (radio)
- Anthozoa
- Antibiotics
- Antikythera mechanism
- Antipodes Islands
- Antisemitism
- Aphasia
- Apodiformes
- Guillaume Apollinaire
- Apollonius o Perga
- Saunt Paul
- Applee'd mathematics
- Edward Victor Appleton
- Apus apus
- Aqaba
- Arachnid
- Arad, Romanie
- Archaea
- Archean
- Arctic Monkeys
- Ardeidae
- Hannah Arendt
- Martha Argerich
- Ariadne
- Ariège (depairtment)
- Arithmetic
- Arkansas River
- Armenie leid
- Neil Armstrong
- Raymond Aron
- Artaxerxes II o Persie
- Chester A. Arthur
- Asbestos
- Ascorbic acid
- Isaac Asimov
- Assirie
- Asteraceae
- Rick Astley
- Astronomer
- Astronomy
- Athens
- Atlantic Chairter
- Atlantic City
- Atomism
- David Attenborough
- Hayley Atwell
- Auckland
- Auckland Islands
- W. H. Auden
- Augustus
- Augustus III o Poland
- Auld age
- Auld Warld pug
- Auld-world whitrat
- Aur
- Aurangabad, Maharashtra
- Auschwitz concentration camp
- Austrick Empire
- Auto racin
- Avallon
- Averroes
- Avicii
- Azcapotzalco
- Charles Aznavour
- Azores