Neil Armstrong
Neil Alden Armstrong (5 August 1930 – 25 August 2012) wis an American astronaut an pilot and is kent as the first fowk to walk on the moon. On 20 Julie 1969, Neil Armstrong an Buzz Aldrin landit on the Muin in a small spacecraft that had been sent to the moon usin the Saturn V rocket. The rocket wis callit Apollo 11. They both walkit on the moon, an millions o fowk watchit an heard this event on live televeesion.
Armstrong wis frae Ohio; He veesitit the toun o Langholm in what is the nou the Scots cooncil aurie o Dumfries an Gallowa in 1972, sayin he conseedert it tae be his "hame toun"; it is the tradeetional seat o the Clan Armstrong.
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- 1930 births
- 1966 in spaceflicht
- 1969 in spaceflicht
- 2012 daiths
- American aerospace businessfowk
- American aerospace ingineers
- American astronauts
- American deists
- American Korean War pilots
- American naval personnel o the Korean War
- American fowk o German strynd
- American fowk o Irish strynd
- American fowk o Scotch-Erse strynd
- American fowk o Scots strynd
- American test pilots
- Apollo 11
- Aviators frae Ohio
- Buirials at sea
- Collier Trophy recipients
- Congressional Gowd Medal recipients
- Distinguished Eagle Scouts
- Gold Logie winners
- Members o the Unitit States Naitional Academy o Ingineering
- Militar personnel frae Ohio
- NASA ceevilian astronauts
- National Aviation Hall of Fame inductees
- Neil Armstrong
- Fowk frae Indian Hill, Ohio
- Fowk frae Wapakoneta, Ohio
- Fowk that hae walkit on the Muin
- Presidential Medal o Freedom recipients
- Purdue Varsity alumni
- Recipients o the Air Medal
- Recipients o the Congressional Space Medal o Honour
- Recipients o the Cullum Geografical Medal
- Recipients o the NASA Distinguished Service Medal
- Recipients o the NASA Exceptional Service Medal
- Recipients o the Order o the Soothren Cross
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- United States Astronaut Hall of Fame inductees
- Unitit States Naval Aviators
- Unitit States Navy officers
- USC Viterbi School of Engineering alumni
- X-15 programme
- Recipients o the Siller Buffalo Awaird