![]() | The "Scots" that wis uised in this airticle wis written bi a body that haesna a guid grip on the leid. Please mak this airticle mair better gin ye can. |
Millennium: | 3rd millennium |
Centuries: | 20t century – 21st century – 22nt century |
Decades: | 1980s 1990s 2000s – 2010s – 2020s 2030s 2040s |
Years: | 2009 2010 2011 – 2012 – 2013 2014 2015 |
2012 (MMXII) wis a lowp year stairtin on a Sunday in the Gregorian calendar.
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[eedit | eedit soorce]- 1 Januar — The warks o James Joyce entered the public domain.
- 15 Januar — Presidential elections in Finland
- 23 Januar — Cheenae new year an scheduled new muin.lift abune 47°n 7°e at tue 2008 mar 25 1:52[deid airtin] this time o year is associate wi the watter-draigon in Cheenae astrology.the beauty o cheenae astrology
- 31 Januar — 433 eros, the seicont-lairgest Naur Yird Object on record (size 13x13x33 km) is expected tae pass the Yird at 0.1790 astronomical unit (~26.8 million kilometer; ~16.6 million mile). NASA studied Eros wi the Naur Shoemaker probe launched on 1996-02-17.near Yird object fact sheet Archived 2015-09-26 at the Wayback Machine
[eedit | eedit soorce]- 5 Februar — Super Bowl XLVI wis played.
- 6 Februar — Queen Elizabeth II celebratit her diamond jubilee. A series o festivities athort the Unitit Kinrick an the Commonweel o Nations will likely rin throu oot the year.
[eedit | eedit soorce]- 1 Aprile — The Unitit States census o 1940 is released tae the public.
- 15 Aprile - 100t anniversity o the sinkin o the R.M.S. Titanic
- 17 Aprile — the Unitit States will cede control o the militar o the Republic o Korea efter 50 year.
[eedit | eedit soorce]- 20 Mey — annular solar eclipse, a sunday.
- main - French preses election (if the incumbent's term hud normally finished in Mey).
- main - Irish general election is due tae be held if the current govrenment remains in office fur a foo term.
[eedit | eedit soorce]- 6 Juin — seicont an lest solar transit o the planit Venus o thes century; the next pair is predictit tae occur in 2117 an 2125 (see transit o venus, 2012).
- 9 Juin–1 Julie — 2012 European Fitbaa Championship will be played in Poland/Ukraine.
[eedit | eedit soorce]- Julie 1 — preses elections in mexico.
- Julie 27 — openin' ceremony o the 2012 Simmer Olympics begins in Lunnon at 7:30 pm UTC, 8:30pm bst.homepage - Lunnon 2012[deid airtin]
[eedit | eedit soorce]- 12 August — closin' ceremony o the 2012 Simmer Olympics in Lunnon, Unitit Kinrick, a sunday.
- 29 August — stairt o the 2012 Simmer Paralympics
[eedit | eedit soorce]- 9 September — end o the 2012 Simmer Paralympics
[eedit | eedit soorce]- 24 October — the Unitit Kinrick's 5-yeir-lang region-bi-region process to cease analogue telly broadcasts an ainly permit deegital telly broadcasts (Scots: deegital cheenge ower[1]) ends. Meridian Broadcasting, ITV Lunnon, Tyne Tees Television an UTV war the lest auries tae switch aff analogue.[2]
[eedit | eedit soorce]- 6 November — the Unitit States preses, senate, an hoose o representatives elections.
- 6 November — Puertae Rico general election
- 13 November — tot solar eclipse (visible in northren Australie an the sooth paceefic).
- 28 November — penumbral lunar eclipse
[eedit | eedit soorce]- 3 December — Jupiter oppositions.
- 21 December — the mesoamerican lang coont calendar, notably uised bi the Meya civilization amang ethers o pre-columbian mesoamericae, completes its thirteent b'ak'tun cycle syne the calendar's meethical startin' pynt (equivalent tae 3114 bc August 11 in the proleptic gregorian calendar, accordin' tae the "gmt-correlation" jdn= 584283).see finley (2002), hooston (1989, pp. 49–51), miller an taube (1993, pp. 50–52), voss (2006, p. 138), wagner (2006, pp. 281–283). note 'at hooston 1989 mistakenly writes "3113 bc" (when "-3113" is meant), an miller an taube 1993's mention o "2 August" is a (presumed) erratum. the lang coont b'ak'tun date o thes startin' pynt ( is repeated, fur the first time in a span o approximately fife,125 solar years. the significance o thes period-endin' tae the pre-columbian Meya themselves is unclear, an thaur is an incomplete inscription (tortuguero monument 6) 'at graphite loons thes date. it is tae be foond carved oan the walls o the temple o inscriptions in palenque an aa, whaur it functions as a base date frae which ither dates ur computed.wagner (2006, p. 281; an aa nae weel.443). houiver, it is conjectured 'at thes main represent in the Meya belief seestem a transition frae the current creation warld intae the next.
- the 2012 winter solstice will occur oan thes day at 11:11 UTC forby. Unitit States naval observatory (28 Januar 2007). "Yirds seasons: equinoxes, solstices, perihelion, an aphelion, 2000-2020". Archived frae the original on 13 October 2007. Retrieved 15 Apryle 2008.
- December 23 — the alternatife date fur the completion o the thirteent b'ak'tun cycle in the Meya calendar, usin' a version o the gmt-correlation based oan a jdn o 584285 (a.k.a. the "astronomical" ur "loonsbury correlation"), which is supported by a smawer nummer o Meyanist researchers.efter a modified proposal championed by floyd loonsbury; soorces 'at hae uised thes correlation include hooston (1989, p. 51), an in parteecular schele an freidel (1990, pp. 430 it seq.). see an aa commentary by finley (2002), fa althoogh makin' an assessment 'at the "[584285 correlation yieldin' end-date o December 23] is noo mair aw the gang wi Meyanists", expresses a personal preference fur the 584283 correlation.
- 31 December — expiration o the Kyoto Protocol.
Unkent dates
[eedit | eedit soorce]- the replacement eastern span o the san francisco-oaklain bay bridge will open tae traffeck, replacin' the auld eastern cantilever span 'at wis damaged in the loma prieta earthquake in 1989, awmaist a quarter century (23 year) efter the span wis damaged newbaybridge.org - the new eest span: history in the making Archived 2007-08-19 at the Wayback Machine
- Indie's 11t five-year plan (2007–2012) ends an the 12t a body (2012–2017) starts.
- Australie an Ireland will cease analogue tele broadcasts.
- californiaws ban oan the production o foie gras will tak' effect.
- NASA's new orion spacecraft will acome fully operational fur International Space Station support flights.
- Cheenae is tae complete the construction o the Kuafu spacecraft.
- Freedom Touer in New York Ceety: construction will be finished.
- secht & soond magazine will conduct its tap ten films o aw-time poll fur the seivent decade syne 1952.
- the Hallandsas ridge tunnel will be completit, 17 year behin' the oreeginal plan.
- the Canberra class lecht aircraft carriers/lairge amphibioos ships, the lairgest ships ever tae be operated by the Ryal Australie Navy, will be in service.
- the sin will reverse its ain magnetic poles durin' 2012 as result o reachin' the end o the current 11-year sunspot cycle.the sin diz a flip Archived 2009-05-12 at the Wayback Machine
- the Canadian Navy recei'es the delivery o the first joint support ship.
Majur religioos holidays
[eedit | eedit soorce]- Januar 7 — Christenmas day bi Julian calendar (celebrated bi eastern orthodox Christians) * Februar 1 — imbolc, a cross-quarter day (celebrated oan Februar 2 in some places)
- Februar 5 — Mawlid an nabi - Islam
- Mairch 8 — Pureem - Judaism
- Mairch 20 — sprin' equinox, cried ostara an aa
- Aprile 7 — Passowre - Judaism
- Aprile 8 — Easter - christianity
- Mey 1 — Beltane, a cross-quarter day
- Mey 27 — Shavuot - Judaism
- Juin 17 — Lailat al miraj - Islam
- Juin 20 — Simmer solstice, cried midsimmer ur litha an aa
- Julie 20 — Ramadan begins - Islam
- August 1 — Lammas, a cross-quarter day
- August 19 — Id al fitr - Islam
- September 17 — Rosh hashanah - Judaism
- September 21 — faa equinox, cried mabon an aa
- October 1 — Sukkot - Judaism
- November 1 — Samhain, a cross-quarter day, neopagan Hogmanay an christian aw saints' day
- November 15 — Hogmanay - Islam
- December 9 — Hanukkah - Judaism
- December 21 — Winter solstice, cried yule an aa
- December 25 — Christenmas
Metaphysical predictions
[eedit | eedit soorce]2012 is whiles claimed tae be a great year o spiritual transformation (ur apocalypse). mony esoteric soorces interprit the completion o the thirteent b'ak'tun cycle in the lang coont o the Meya calendar (which occurs oan December 21 by the maist widely held correlation) tae pure techt thaur will be a majur chynge in warld order. accordingly, several eclectic authors claeem 'at a majur, world-changin' event will tak' place in 2012:
- the 1997 beuk the bible code claims 'at, accordin' tae certaint algorithms o the bible code, a meteur, asteroid ur comit will collide wi the Yird.
- the 2006 beuk 2012: the return o quetzalcoatl bi Daniel Pinchbeck discusses theories o a possible global awakenin' tae psychic connection bi the year 2012, creatin' a noosphere. ither prophecies an apocalyptic writins an hypotheses fur thes year include:
- Terence McKenna's novelty theory suggested the end o time an a pynt o singularity in which humankin will hae a shift in conscioosness.[3][4][5][6]
[eedit | eedit soorce]- methuselah's children (1941/1958) an time enaw fur love (1973) bi Robert A. Heinlein: a crucial meetin' o the howard families takes place, followin' the election o nehemiah scudder fur president o the usa. in baith novels, viewpoint character lazarus long is speart whit happened at thes meetin' as he is the lest livin' eyewitness; in baith novels he declines tae answer. nehemiah scudder establishes a religioos dictatorship in the usa.
- "domain" an "resurrection" bi authur Steve Alten: a feectional series 'at tells the events o the gabriel twins efter discoverin' the mystery behin' 2012.
- "2012: the war fur sools" bi authur Whitley Strieber is a feectional novel abit thee parallel warlds an the occurrences leadin' up tae December 21, 2012 in each as the walls atween them begin tae thin an allaw passage ben gateways tae the others.
[eedit | eedit soorce]- the invisibles ("the invisible kingdom," 1999–2000): the invisibles' "fictional" universe expands intae the meta-context o the "higher universe," possibly uir ain.
[eedit | eedit soorce]- "A Certain Shade o Green," a sang frae the Incubus album s.c.i.e.n.c.e., references 2012 in the followin' lines: aur ye gonna stain aroond till 2012 a.d.? / whit ur ye waitin' fur, a certain shade o green?. December 21, 2012 appears tae be the date when the video fur the sang "warning" is supposed tae tak' place.
- Genesis's sang Get'em it bi Friday frae thair 1972 album Foxtrot, sets "18/9/2012" (on the printed operistic-dialog lyrics) as the date when "genetic control" woods sit a heecht restriction oan human beings sae 'at twice as mony fowk coods fit oan real estate properties.
- "Pesky Solar Flares", bi Angie Strange haes lyrics relatin' tae coronal mass ejections occurrin' durin' the winter solstice o 2012. the sang wis available as a free download oan the wabsteid o the aw the gang american conspiracy gab radio shaw coest tae coest am.
- the Hed Pe sang "i.f.o." (tae be foond oan thair seicont, self-titled album), which is abit ufo sightings an governmental conspiracies tae cowre them up, references the year 2012: "prepaur tae meit yer maker in the skies ower the pyramids / check stonehenge / gang ask the Meyans / 2012 suin come / Ah will be waitin' sayin' Ah tauld ye sae / when the skies ur ripped open / an the mothership lands oan yer cynical ass".
- (hed) p.e. references 2012 in "killin' time" frae thair seicont album "broke". come twintie twal, come twal tribes, come twal strands, come twal li'es twal steps, twal months, twal drug dealers
- stones flin' records airtist Dudley Perkins released his lp, entitled 'expressions (2012 a.u.)', in 2006
- the instrumental sang "December 21, 2012" bi Frodus, which appears as a b-side tae thair best-sellin' 7" vinyl single o thair devo cowre "explosions" (released 1997).
- the Anaal Nathrakh sang "Timewae Zero" is abit the apparent end o the warld oan December 21, 2012. the lyrics ur translated as "the 21st o December, 2012, the time will come"
- the A Day Tae Remember sang "Fest Forward Tae 2012" refers tae the warld endin' in 2012 as a warnin' fur friends tae dae somethin' tae prepaur.
- british nu-rae ootfit klaxons sin' abit apocalyptic horsemen in thair sang "foor horsemen o 2012" frae the 2007 album myths o the near future.
- the sang "2012 — demise o the 5th sun" by the melodic daith metal bain scar symmetry is a reference tae the year 2012. "fur the lines oan the fractal wae / fit the coorse o history / they're created tae wark as a body till the end / when the winter solstice comes / actualizin' the prophecy / the demise in 2012 realized"
- the testament sang "3 days in darkness", aff o the gaitherin' album is a sang abit 2012, an speaks o the Yird bein' swallowed in molten fire.
- vnv nation's album praise the fallen" haes the subtitle "ptf 2012", which is forby the nam o a track in the album, which seems tae be predominantly abit an upcomin' war. the sang, "honoor" starts wi the line, "passife fields, januar 2012..."
- hivy metal bain burnt by the sun's tois albums baith deal wi prophecies concernin' the year 2012.
- "2012" is the nam o the 2005 album by the experimental rock bain auld time relijun, an several sangs mak references tae auncient Meyan cultur, sic' as "burial moond" an "the kin' o tint lecht."
- oan the bain hella's album There's nae 666 in ooter space thaur is a track cried "2012 an coontless" in which the anly words ur "there's nae 666 in ooter space" repeated.
- metal bain Ewigkeit's album Radio Ixtlan haes a track entitled "life at palenque 2012" referencin' baith the Meyan calendar date an the site at which the temple o inscriptions whaur it is carved.
- canibus mentions the year 2012 an December 21, 2012 oan his poit laureate infinity vocals an oan his 2007 album fur whom the beat tolls.
[eedit | eedit soorce]- i am legend: the events o the 2007 film tak' place in thes year.
[eedit | eedit soorce]- Doctor Who
- "dalek," 2005: a dalek breaks loose unner the utah salt plains, an plans tae kill every livin' hin' oan the yird.
- "Fear her," 2006: the episode is sit durin' the lead-up tae the 2012 summer olympics in Lunnon.
- Futurama
- Xmas story," 1999: the war o 2012 occurs, durin' which talk-shaw host conan o'brien tint his "freakishly lang legs."
- Jurassic bark," 2002; philip j. fry's dug seymoor dies in thes year.
- The x-files ("the truth," 2002): oan December 22, aliens invade the Yird.
[eedit | eedit soorce]- Shadowrun: wi the sixth Meyan warld beginning, magic returns tae the warld in an event called "the awakenin'."
- escape 2012: the player's mission is tae escape frae alien captivity.
- in Dark•matter, a campaign settin' fur the alternity an d20 modern roleplayin' gemmes, the institute 'at the protagonists belang tae believe 'at 2012 will be the end o the warld.
- s.t.a.l.k.e.r — shadaw o chernobyl is sit in thes year
- Psychic force 2012 is sit durin' thes year.
- in Universe at war: earth assault, the hierarchy invasion oan the Yird begins.
- an in-gam document frae the secrit world conteens the date 2012 circled an underlined but the significance o thes is yit unkent.
- in Shattered union, ye.s. president david jefferson adams accepts his seicont term in office efter the supreme coort disqualifies aw ither presidential candidates.
- a body o the dual storylines in assassin's creed is sit in 2012
- events o mega cheil iii, mega man's soccer, wily an right's rockboard an mega cheil v ur sit in thes year.
- a body o the puzzles later oan in la mulana (a freewaur pc gam based oan mony o the aulder msx gemmes released) states ye need tae 'walk the end year o the aztec's fift age.' the player main 'en lecht anly the torches o the gates 'at correspond tae the numbers in the year '2012'.
See awso
[eedit | eedit soorce]Notes
[eedit | eedit soorce]- ↑ Digital TV for Ulster Scots in ‘Northren Ireland’: Whit Is The Deegital Cheenge-Ower? Anorak.co.uk
- ↑ when is the digital tv switchowre? the different regions an dates
- ↑ Brown, David Jay; Novick, Rebecca McClen, eds. (1993). "Mushrooms, Elves And Magic". Mavericks of the Mind: Conversations for the New Millennium. Freedom, CA: Crossing Press. pp. 9–24. ISBN 978-0895946010.
- ↑ Jenkins, John Major (2009). "Early 2012 Books McKenna and Waters". The 2012 Story: The Myths, Fallacies, and Truth Behind the Most Intriguing Date in History. Penguin. ISBN 978-1101148822.
- ↑ Jacobson, Mark (Juin 1992). "Terence McKenna the brave prophet of The next psychedelic revolution, or is his cosmic egg just a little bit cracked?". Esquire. pp. 107–138. ESQ 1992 06.
- ↑ Dery, Mark (2001) [1996]. "Terence McKenna: The inner elf". 21•C Magazine. Archived frae the original on 24 Julie 2014. Retrieved 7 Februar 2014.
[eedit | eedit soorce]- argüelles, josé (1987). the Meyan factor: path beyond technology. bear & company.
- argüelles, josé (2002). time an the technosphaur, the law o time in human affairs]. bear & company.
- argüelles, josé/valum votan (2004). livin' ben the closin' o the cycle, a survival guide oan the road tae 2012. law o time press.
- drosnin, michael (1997). the bible code. new york, ny: toochstain press.
- finley, michael (2002). "the correlation question". the real Meya prophecies: astronomy in the inscriptions an codices. Meya astronomy. Retrieved 4 Juin 2007. :hancock, graham. (1995) fingerprints o the gods. new york, ny: thee rivers press.
- hooston, stephen d. (1989). readin' the past: Meya glyphs. Lunnon: british museum publications. ISBN 0-7141-8069-6. OCLC 18814390.
- joseph, lawrence e. (2007). apocalypse 2012: a scientific investigation intae civilization's end. new york: morgan road books. ISBN 978-0-7679-2447-4. OCLC 70673333.
- miller, mary; ain karl taube (1993). the gods an symbols o ancient mexico an the Meya. Lunnon: thames an hudson. ISBN 0-500-05068-6. OCLC 27667317. :morrison, grant, an varioos artists (1995–2000) the invisibles, vol. yin issues 1–25, vol. tae issues 1–22, vol. thee issues 12–14. new york, ny: vertigo comics. :pinchbeck, daniel. (2006) 2012: the return o quetzalcoatl. new york, ny: penguin crew. :satinowre, jeffrey, m.d. (1997) crackin' the bible code. new york, ny: harpercollins press.
- schele, linda; an david freidel (1990). a forest o kings: the untauld story o the ancient Meya. new york: william morraw. ISBN 0-688-07456-1. :stray, geoff. (2005) beyond 2012: catastrophe ur ecstasy. sussex uk: vital signs publishin'.
- voss, alexander (2006). "astronomy an mathematics". In nikolai grube (ed.) (ed.). Meya: divine kings o the rain forest. eva eggebrecht an matthias seidel (assistant eds.). cologne: könemann press. pp. 130–143. ISBN 3-8331-1957-8. OCLC 71165439.CS1 maint: extra text: eeditors leet (link)
- wagner, elizabeth (2006). "Meya creation myths an cosmography". In nikolai grube (ed.). Meya: divine kings o the rain forest. eva eggebrecht an matthias seidel (assistant eds.). cologne: könemann press. pp. 280–293. ISBN 3-8331-1957-8. OCLC 71165439.
See Finley (2002), Houston (1989, pp. 49–51), Miller an Taube (1993, pp. 50–52), Voss (2006, p. 138), Wagner (2006, pp. 281–283). Note that Houston 1989 mistakenly writes "3113 BC" (when "-3113" is meant), an Miller an Taube 1993's mention o "2 August" is a (presumed) erratum. The Long Count b'ak'tun date o this stairtin pynt ( is repeated, for the first time in a span o approximately 5,125 solar years. The significance o this period-endin tae the pre-Columbian Meya themselves is unclear, an there is an incomplete inscription (Tortuguero Monument 6) that records this date. It is tae be foond carved on the walls o the Temple o Inscriptions in Palenque an aa, whaur it functions as a base date frae which ither dates are computed.Wagner (2006, p. 281; ill.443 an aa). Houiver, it is conjectured that this Mey represent in the Meya belief seestem a transition frae the current Creation world intae the next.
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