14 December
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The 14t o December is the 348t day o the year (349t in lowp years) in the Gregorian Calendar, wi 17 days bidin.

- 1542 - Mary, Queen o Scots takes tae the throne, agit 6 days.
- 1819 - Alabama becomes the 22nt state o the Unitit States.
- 1861 - Daith o Albert, Prince Consort, agit juist 42.
- 1896 - The Glesga Undergroond opens.
- 1911 - Roald Amundsen's Norse expedeetion reaches the Sooth Pole.
- 1941 - Warld War II: Japan signs a treaty alliance wi Thailand.
- 1961 - Tanganyika jyns the Unitit Naitions.
- 1962 - The "Mariner 2" probe flies bi Venus.
- 1972 - Apollo 17 leaves the Muin.
- 1989 - Patricio Aylwin is electit Preses o Chile.
- 1995 - Yugoslav Wars: Leaders o the umwhile Yugoslav republics sign the Dayton peace agreement in Paris.
- 1999 - Kiribati, Nauru an Tonga jyn the Unitit Naitions.
- 2004 - The Millau Viaduct, the tallest Brig in the warld, opens in Soothren Fraunce.
- 2008 - Shoes are thrawn at US Preses George W. Bush on his last veesit tae Baghdad afore steppin doon.
- 2008 - Scots cyclist Chris Hoy wins the BBC Sports Personality o the Year awaird.
- 2012 - A gunman kills 28 fowk in the Sandy Hook shuitin in Newtown, Connecticut, incluidin 20 schuilchildren.
- 2017 - The Walt Disney Company propales its intendit purchase o 21st Century Fox for 52 billion US dollars.
- 2017 - The starn Kepler 90-b is revealed tae hae 8 planets orbitin aroond it, the semme nummer as the Solar Seestem.
- 2020 - A total solar eclipse is seen ower central pairts o Chile an Argentinae.

- 1503 - Nostradamus, French astrologer (d. 1566)
- 1546 - Tycho Brahe, Dens astronomer (d. 1601)
- 1852 - Watson Cheyne, Scots surgeon an bacteriologist (d. 1932)
- 1870 - Karl Renner, Preses o Austrick (d. 1950)
- 1892 - Jimmy McColl, Scots fitbawer (d. 1978)
- 1895 - George VI, Keeng o the Unitit Kinrick (d. 1952)
- 1897 - Kurt Schuschnigg, Chancellor o Austrick (d. 1977)
- 1901 - Paul o Greece (d. 1964)
- 1914 - Karl Carstens, Preses o Wast Germany (d. 1992)
- 1917 - Alberto Morrocco, Scots airtist an teacher (d. 1998)
- 1918 - B. K. S. Iyengar, Indie yoga teacher (d. 2014)
- 1922 - Nikolay Basov, Roushie pheesicist (d. 2001)
- 1946 - Peter Lorimer, Scots fitbawer
- 1947 - Dilma Rousseff, umwhile Preses o Brazil
- 1956 - Linda Fabiani, Scots politeecian
- 1960 - James Comey, umwhile Director o the Federal Bureau o Investigation
- 1966 - Helle Thorning-Schmidt, umwhile Prime meenister o Denmark
- 1969 - Greg Hemphill, Scots actor, comedian an writer
- 1973 - Allan Johnston, Scots fitbawer
- 1979 - Michael Owen, Inglis fitbawer
- 1980 - Gordon Greer, Scots fitbawer
- 1985 - Jakub Blaszczykowski, Pols fitbawer
- 1988 - Vanessa Hudgens, American actress an sangster
- 1542 - James V o Scotland (b. 1512)
- 1788 - Charles III o Spain (b. 1716)
- 1799 - George Washington, 1st Preses o the Unitit States (b. 1732)
- 1843 - John Claudius Loudon, Scots botanist (b. 1783)
- 1860 - George Hamilton-Gordon, 4t Yerl o Aiberdeen, Prime Meenister o the Unitit Kinrick (b. 1784)
- 1861 - Albert, Prince Consort (b. 1819)
- 1861 - William Cunningham, Scots theologian (b. 1805)
- 1873 - Louis Agassiz, Swiss-American geologist (b. 1807)
- 1947 - Stanley Baldwin, Prime Meenister o the Unitit Kinrick (b. 1867)
- 1947 - Will Fyffe, Scots muisic haw enterteener (b. 1885)
- 1956 - Juho Kusti Paasikivi, Preses o Finland (b. 1870)
- 1984 - Vicente Aleixandre, Spainyie poet (b. 1898)
- 1989 - Andrei Sakharov, Roushie scientist an activist (b. 1921)
- 2013 - Peter O'Toole, Erse actor (b. 1923)

- The feast o Saunt John o the Cross
- Alabama Day
- Monkey Day
- Day o the Martyred Intellectuals (Bangladesh)
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