Banner o Chad

The naitional banner o the Republic o Chad (French: Drapeau du Tchad, Arabic: علم تشاد) is a vertical tricolor consistin (left tae richt) o a blue, a yellae an a reid field. Blue wis substitutit for green tae avoid confusion wi neighborin states. The basic design is the same as that o the banner o Romanie, the banner o Andorrae, the banner o Moldovae, an the banner o Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, Canadae.
Blue seembolizes, offeecially, the sky, hope, an watter; yellow the sun an the desert tae the north o the kintra; red progress, unity, an sacrifice. Red an aa recaws the bluid shed for unthirldom. RGB colours values are, respectively, 12-28-140, 252-209-22 an 206-17-38.[1]
The banner wis adoptit bi law # 59/13 for the autonomous republic[2] an retained on unthirldom in 1960, an in the constitution o 1962. Despite mony poleetical upheavals athin Chad syne unthirldom, the banner haes no been chynged. This mey be acause the banner is no associatit wi ony o the main pouer rivals athin Chad, haein haed nae sense o naitional identity afore unthirldom, an tae a lesser extent efter unthirldom.
The banner wis offeecially adoptit on 6 November 1959.
[eedit | eedit soorce]- ↑ Vexilla Mundi values. Retrieved 2008-12-29
- ↑ Constitutions - what they tell us about national flags and coats of arms, Pascal Vagnat; Jos Poels (2000). Retrieved 2008-12-29.
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[eedit | eedit soorce]
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