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Wikipedia:Julie 2022 Writin Drive

Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge

Anent Us

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We'r an onwab group thit hiv got thegither tae sort oot aw the bad Scots Wikipedia airticles an tae help oot the site's admins bi teachin thaim mair Scots, an sort oot the Wiki as a hale.

This time, we're giein "writin drives" a bash, whaur we'll hiv a week whaur we kin mak time tae scrieve fur the wiki ony time oothrou. Yese kin dae as little or as much as ye'd like.

We hiv group zoom sessions planned on certain days an aw.

The themes fur this event are Scots Leid Relatit Hings an Notable Biggins in Scotland an Ireland.

(in Inglis) We're an online group that has formed to fix all of the bad Scots Wikipedia articles, help out the site's admins by teaching them proper Scots, and generally improve the quality of the Wiki.

This time, we're trying "writing drives", where we'll have a week where we can make time to write for the wiki any time throughout. You can write as little or as much as you'd like.

The themes for this event are Scots Language Related Topics an Notable Buildings in Scotland and Ireland.


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(in Inglis) The dashboard for the event can be found here. Please sign in with your Wikipedia account in order to keep track of what we've achieved.

Zoom Sessions

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(in Inglis) We're holding 2 Zoom sessions for collaborative / social editing during the Writing Drive:


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Airticles tae stend an sort oot

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Airticles tae add in

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(in Inglis) - article names taken from en.wiki

(in Inglis) Tasks for non-Scots Speakers

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AWB Tasks

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Please add....