Wikipedia:Scots Wikipedia Election Mini Editathon
Scots Wikipedia Election Mini Editathon in a nitshell:
(in Scots) Hey fowk, wer a week awa fae the Halyruid elections sae wer plannin on makin a push tae redd up the pairty leader pages on the wiki, wi the pairties thirsels bein a seicontar tairget.
Pages tae pit in an sort oot
[eedit soorce]The pages wer leukin at ar:
- Nicola Sturgeon (Scots National Pairty)
- Douglas Ross (Scots Tory an Unionist Pairty)
- Anas Sarwar (Scots Labour Pairty)
- Willie Rennie (Scots Leeberal Democrats)
- Patrick Harvie/Lorna Slater (Scots Greens)
- Alex Salmond (Alba Pairty)
- Michelle Ballatyne (Reform UK)