Nicola Sturgeon
Nicola Sturgeon | |
![]() | |
First Meenister o Scotland | |
In office 20 November 2014 – 28 March 2023 | |
Monarch | Elizabeth II Charles III |
Depute | John Swinney |
Precedit bi | Alex Salmond |
Succeedit bi | Humza Yousaf |
Leader o the Scots National Pairty | |
In office 14 November 2014 – 27 Mairch 2023 | |
Depute | Keith Brown |
Precedit bi | Alex Salmond |
Succeedit bi | Humza Yousaf |
Deputy First Meenister o Scotland | |
In office 17 Mey 2007 – 19 November 2014 | |
First Meenister | Alex Salmond |
Precedit bi | Nicol Stephen |
Succeedit bi | John Swinney |
Cabinet Secretar for Infrastructur, Investment an Ceeties | |
In office 5 September 2012 – 19 November 2014 | |
First Meenister | Alex Salmond |
Precedit bi | Alex Neil |
Succeedit bi | Keith Brown |
Cabinet Secretar for Heal an Wellbein | |
In office 17 Mey 2007 – 5 September 2012 | |
First Meenister | Alex Salmond |
Precedit bi | Andy Kerr |
Succeedit bi | Alex Neil |
Depute Leader o the Scots National Pairty | |
In office 3 September 2004 – 14 November 2014 | |
Leader | Alex Salmond |
Precedit bi | Roseanna Cunningham |
Succeedit bi | Stewart Hosie |
Memmer o the Scots Pairlament for Glasgow Southside | |
Assumed office 6 Mey 2011 | |
Precedit bi | Constituency creatit |
Majority | 9,593 (38.5%) |
Memmer o the Scots Pairlament for Glesga Govan | |
In office 3 Mey 2007 – 5 Mey 2011 | |
Precedit bi | Gordon Jackson |
Succeedit bi | Constituency abolished |
Memmer o the Scots Pairlament for Glesga | |
In office 6 Mey 1999 – 3 Mey 2007 | |
Precedit bi | Constituency creatit |
Succeedit bi | Bob Doris |
Personal details | |
Born | Nicola Ferguson Sturgeon 19 Julie 1970 Irvine, Scotland |
Poleetical pairty | Scots National Pairty |
Spoose(s) | Peter Murrell |
Residence | Bute House |
Alma mater | Varsity o Glesga |
Profession | Solicitor |
Nicola Ferguson Sturgeon (born 19 Julie 1970) wis the langest-serrin First Mienister o Scotland an leader o the Scots National Pairty (SNP), in office frae the 20t November 2014 til the 28t Mairch 2023. She is the furst wuman tae haud baith posietions, and is the fift First Mienister. Sturgeon haes been a memmer o the Scots Pairlament syne 1999, first as a addietional memmer for the Glesga electoral region frae 1999 tae 2007, an as the memmer for Glesga Soothside syne 2007 (kent as Glesga Govan frae 2007 tae 2011).
A law graduate o the Varsity o Glesga, Sturgeon wirkit as a solicitor in Glesga. Efter bein eleckit tae the Scots Pairlament, she serd successively as the SNP's shadae mienister for eddication, heal an juistice. In 2004 she annunced that she wad staund as a candidate for the SNP leadership efter John Swinney demittit. Hounaiver, she efter quat the contest in favour o Alex Salmond, staundin insteid as depute leader on a jynt ticket wi Salmond.
Baith Sturgeon an Salmond wis syne electit, an seein as Salmond wis still a MP in the Hoose o Commons, Sturgeon led the SNP in the Scots Pairlament frae 2004 tae 2007. The SNP wan the hiechest nummer o seats in the Scots Pairlament in the 2007 election an Salmond wis syne appyntit First Mienister. He appyntit Sturgeon as Depute First Meenister an Cabinet Secretar for Heal an Wellbein. She wis appyntit as Cabinet Secretar for Infrastructur, Investment an Cieties in 2012.
Follaein the defait o the "Yes" campaign in the 2014 Scots unthirldom referendum, Salmond annunced that he wad be demittin as pairty leader at the SNP pairty conference that November, an wad demit as First Meenister efter a new leader wis chysen.[1] Naebody ither wis nominatit for the post bi the nominations shut, leavin Sturgeon tae tak the pairty leadership unopponed at the SNP's annual conference. She wis formally electit tae succeed Salmond as First Mienister on the 19 November.[2]
Sturgeon led the SNP in the 2015 general election, whaur the SNP teuk 56 o the 59 Scots sates, thair hiechest nummer o seats in the Hoose o Commons o the Unitit Kinrick. Thay teuk ower the Lieberal Democrats as the third maist biggest pairty in Wastmeenster and haed a 30% sweeng fae Labour.
Forbes magazine ranked Sturgeon as the 50t maist pouerfu wumman in the warld in 2016 an 2nt in the Unitit Kinrick.[3][4] In 2015, BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour cryed Sturgeon the maist pouerfu an influential wumman in the Unitit Kinrick.[5]
Airly life
[eedit | eedit soorce]Airly years an faimily
[eedit | eedit soorce]Nicola Ferguson Sturgeon[6] wis born in Ayrshire Central Hospital in Irvine on the 19t July 1970.[7] She is the auldest o twa dochters born tae Joan Kerr Sturgeon (née Ferguson, born on the 23d October 1952[8]), a dental nurse, an Robin Sturgeon (born on the 28t September 1948[9]), an electrician.[10][11]
Airly parliamentary career
[eedit | eedit soorce]SNP in opposeetion
[eedit | eedit soorce]
Sturgeon stuid for election tae the Scottish Parliament in the first Scottish Pairliament election in 1999 as the SNP candidate for Glasgow Govan.[12] Awthough she misst weirin roon the seat, she wis stellt first in the SNP's regional list for the Glasgow region, an wis thus eleckit as a Scottish Parliamenter. The SNP cam oot as the saicant lairgest pairty an sat in opposeetion tae the Labour-Lib Dem coalition. In Alex Salmond's shaddae cabinet, she sert as Shadow Minister for Children and Education frae 1999 til 2000.
Depute First Meinister o Scotland (2007–2014)
[eedit | eedit soorce]
I the 2007 Scottish Parliament election, Sturgeon defaitit Gordon Jackson QC[a] wi a 4.7% swing tae the SNP i the Glasgow Govan constituency.[13][14] This wis ane o mony swings tae the SNP, as the pairty cam oot as the lairgest ane, weirin roon ane mair sate nor the than-govrenin Scottish Labour Pairty.[15][16]
First Meinister o Scotland (2014–2023)
[eedit | eedit soorce]First term (2014–2016)
[eedit | eedit soorce]On the 20t November 2014, Sturgeon wis sworn intae office it the Court of Session in a ceremony preside by Lord Gill,[17][18] efter receivin the royal warrant of appointment by Queen Elizabeth II.[19] She becam the first weeman tae haud office.[20][21]
2015 Westminster landslide
[eedit | eedit soorce]Sturgeon led the Scottish National Party throu a [[landslide owerhaun] i the 2015 UK general election, beirin the gree i 56 oot o 59 Scottish sates at Westminster, the pairty's best eir performance.[22] The pairty received 50% o the vote dale i Scotland an replaced the Liberal Democrats as the third lairgest party in the British House of Commons.[23] Sturgeon hed statit at the pairty's sonse i the election wisna a mandate fur anither wanthirldom referendum, but feckly for a stranger vyce fur Scotland i London.[24]
Saicant term (2016–2021)
[eedit | eedit soorce]2016 EU memmership referendum
[eedit | eedit soorce]In 2016, the European Union memmership referendum tae decide the futur o the UK's European Union memmership cam aff wi 52% o the voters i the UK votin fur Brexit (leavin the EU) an 48% votin fur tae remain; aa cooncil auries in Scotland votit by a feck fur the UK tae remain a memmer o the EU. Athort Scotland, 62% o voters backit the UK remainin a memmer o the EU an 38% fur the UK tae leave.[25]
As a repone tae the eftercast, on the 24t June 2016, Sturgeon said at Scottish Government officials wad begin plannin fur a saicant wanthirldom referendum.[26][27] Sturgeon claimed at hit wis "clear at the fowk o Scotland sees their futur is pairt o the European Union" an at Scotland hed "spokken decisively" wi a "strang, wanequivocal" vote tae remain i the European Union.[28]
COVID–19 pandemic
[eedit | eedit soorce]The warldwide pandemic o COVID-19 happent durin Sturgeon's seicont term as First Meenister. For tae kep an liemit the nummer o affectit fowk in Scotland, Sturgeon an the Scots Govrenment pat in place measurs thit wis advised bi NHS Scotland, stairtin wi mainteenin strict haund washin.[29] The first confirmed case o the virus in Scotland wis annunced on the 1 Mairch 2020, whan a Taysider testit positive. Sturgeon suin pat forrit mair advice an guidance as the nummer o positive cases gaed up, but said thit the shuttin o public places siclike as schuils an shops "wad be leukit intae".[29]
Sturgeon annunced tae the Scots Pairliament on the 18 Mairch thit aw schuils an nurseries in Scotland wad be closin on the 20t Mairch for tae try an liemit the spreid o the virus.[30] On the 23rd Mairch, Sturgeon pat oot a statement, pittin Scotland on a "lockdoun", liemitin the raisons fur hou people micht leave thair hames in a ettlin tae liemit the spreid o the virus, tae bield the halth o the population, as weel as tae tak the pressure aff o NHS Scotland services an staff.[31] Oothrou 2020, restrictions haes been adaptit tae suit the pairts or aw o Scotland tae respond tae developments in the seetiation.[32]
[eedit | eedit soorce]On the 15t o Febiveer, she annoonced she will staun doun as first meinister o Scotland an heid ane o the SNP trickerin a wale amang the SNP.Sturgeon wis the Deputy First Meenister frae 2007 tae 2014.
Relatit airticles
[eedit | eedit soorce]References
[eedit | eedit soorce]- ↑ Libby Brooks (19 September 2014). "Alex Salmond's resignation could give Nicola Sturgeon her day of destiny". The Guardian (in Inglis). Retrieved 19 November 2014.
- ↑ Campbell, Glenn (13 November 2014). "The transition from Alex Salmond to Nicola Sturgeon". BBC News (in Inglis). Retrieved 19 November 2014.
- ↑ "The World's 100 Most Powerful Women". Forbes (in Inglis). LLC. Retrieved 6 Juin 2016.
- ↑ "Nicola Sturgeon ranked second most powerful woman in UK". BBC News (in Inglis). 6 Juin 2016. Retrieved 6 Juin 2016.
- ↑ "Nicola Sturgeon tops Woman's Hour power list". BBC (in Inglis). Retrieved 1 Julie 2015.
- ↑ "11 May Vol. 1, No. 1 Session 4". 23 Juin 2011. Archived frae the original on 24 September 2015. Retrieved 28 Juin 2017.
- ↑ Lockhart, Keely; Daunt, Joe (21 Mairch 2016). "Nicola Sturgeon: SNP leader in 60 seconds". The Telegraph. Archived frae the original on 13 August 2020. Retrieved 17 Julie 2020.
- ↑ "Heading to my home town to wish my mum a happy birthday!!". Twitter (in Inglis). Archived frae the original on 20 Julie 2022. Retrieved 20 Julie 2022.
- ↑ "Happy 65th birthday, dad @birdfish11". Twitter (in Inglis). Archived frae the original on 20 Julie 2022. Retrieved 20 Julie 2022.
- ↑ "Nicola Sturgeon". (in Inglis). Archived frae the original on 6 October 2022. Retrieved 5 October 2022.
- ↑ For her parents' names: "Sturgeon, Nicola", Who's Who 2014, A & C Black, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing plc, 2014; online edn, Oxford University Press, 2014 ; online edn, Nov 2014. Retrieved 9 May 2015 (subscription required).
- ↑ "Nicola Sturgeon | Biography & Facts". Encyclopedia Britannica (in Inglis). Archived frae the original on 8 October 2017. Retrieved 21 November 2017.
- ↑ "BBC NEWS | Election 2007 | Scottish Parliament | Election Result: Glasgow Govan". Archived frae the original on 2 October 2022. Retrieved 2 October 2022.
- ↑ "Election 07". (in Inglis). Archived frae the original on 2 October 2022. Retrieved 2 October 2022.
- ↑ "SNP beats Labour in Scottish poll" (in Inglis). 4 Mey 2007. Archived frae the original on 2 October 2022. Retrieved 2 October 2022.
- ↑ "SNP wins historic victory". the Guardian (in Inglis). 4 Mey 2007. Archived frae the original on 29 Juin 2021. Retrieved 2 October 2022.
- ↑ "Nicola Sturgeon is elected first minister of Scotland". BBC News. 19 November 2014. Archived frae the original on 20 Februar 2015. Retrieved 28 Januar 2016.
- ↑ "Nicola Sturgeon sworn in as First Minister". The Scotsman. Johnston Press. 20 November 2014. Archived frae the original on 23 November 2014. Retrieved 23 November 2014.
- ↑ "Sturgeon sworn in as First Minister". HeraldScotland (in Inglis). Archived frae the original on 27 Mairch 2023. Retrieved 26 Februar 2023.
- ↑ "Scotland gets first female FM". Holyrood Website (in Inglis). 4 October 2019. Archived frae the original on 26 Februar 2023. Retrieved 26 Februar 2023.
- ↑ Brooks, Libby; reporter, Scotland (19 November 2014). "Nicola Sturgeon hails her appointment as positive message to girls of Scotland". The Guardian (in Inglis). ISSN 0261-3077. Archived frae the original on 26 Februar 2023. Retrieved 26 Februar 2023.
- ↑ "BElection 2015: SNP wins 56 of 59 seats in Scots landslide". BBC News. 8 Mey 2015. Archived frae the original on 21 Mey 2015. Retrieved 29 Mey 2015.
- ↑ "How many Lib Dems have lost their seats in the 2015 general election?". (in Inglis). 8 Mey 2015. Archived frae the original on 26 October 2021. Retrieved 7 August 2021.
- ↑ "Nicola Sturgeon: My final pitch to you". The Independent (in Inglis). 6 Mey 2015. Archived frae the original on 3 Apryle 2022. Retrieved 3 Apryle 2022.
- ↑ "EU Referendum Results". BBC News. Archived frae the original on 24 Juin 2016.
- ↑ Jamieson, Alastair (24 Juin 2016). "Scotland Seeks Independence Again After U.K. 'Brexit' Vote". NBC News. Archived frae the original on 24 Juin 2016.
- ↑ De Freytas-Tamura, Kimiko (25 Juin 2016). "Scotland Says New Vote on Independence Is 'Highly Likely'". The New York Times. Archived frae the original on 16 Februar 2017.
- ↑ Dickie, Mure (24 Juin 2016). "Scots' backing for Remain raises threat of union's demise". Financial Times. Archived frae the original on 27 Juin 2016.
- ↑ a b "Coronavirus: Some Scottish schools close for deep clean – BBC News" (in Inglis). 16 Mairch 2020. Retrieved 1 Juin 2020.
- ↑ "Coronavirus: Schools in Scotland and Wales to close from Friday – BBC News" (in Inglis). Retrieved 1 Juin 2020.
- ↑ "Coronavirus: Nicola Sturgeon says new rules amount to 'lockdown' – BBC News" (in Inglis). Retrieved 1 Juin 2020.
- ↑ SPICe (22 Januar 2021). "Timeline of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Scotland". SPICe Spotlight | Solas air SPICe (in Inglis). Retrieved 28 Januar 2021.
Fremmit airtins
[eedit | eedit soorce]- Nicola Sturgeon's offeecial wabsteid Archived 2018-08-11 at the Wayback Machine - in Inglis
- Biographie at SNP offeecial wabsteid Archived 2005-09-13 at the Wayback Machine - in Inglis
- - in Inglis
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- Wikipaedia airticles wi fauty NLP identifiers
- 1970 births
- Alumni o the Varsity o Glesga
- Female members o the Scots Pairlament
- First Meenisters o Scotland
- Heal meenisters
- Leaders o the Scots National Pairty
- Livin fowk
- Scots soleecitors
- Scots weemen lawers
- Scots lawers
- Members o the Privy Cooncil o the Unitit Kinrick
- Members o the Scots Pairlament 1999–2003
- Members o the Scots Pairlament 2003–07
- Members o the Scots Pairlament 2007–11
- Members o the Scots Pairlament 2011–16
- Members o the Scots Pairlament for Glesga constituencies
- Fowk frae Irvin, North Ayrshire
- Scots National Pairty MSPs
- Scots naitionalists
- Scots feminists
- Scots fowk o Inglis strynd
- Members o the Scots Pairlament 2016–
- Weemen members o the Scots Govrenment
- BBC 100 Weemen
- 20t-century weemen politeecians
- Advocates o the European Union