Wikipedia:WikiProject The Big Wiki Rewrite
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The Big Scots Rewirte is a projeck stairtit in 2020 as a response tae controversies surroondin the scrievins thit war on the Wiki at the time, whaur it wis revealed thit maist o the Wiki wis scrieved bi fowk no native in the leid.[1]. A few day follaein thae events, an editathon wis pit up tae help sort oot the Wikipedia. Aboot Us[eedit soorce]We'r an onwab group thit hiv got thegither tae sort oot aw the bad Scots Wikipedia airticles. Oor oreeginal goal wis tae help oot the steid's admins wi thair Scots. Sin then, the admins hae demittit or gane inactive, wi Scots spikkin admins bein eleckit tae owersee the steid. See gin yese hiv onyhing tae ask efterwirds, we'v a Discord channel appen fur quaistens, whaur we'll hiv fowk thit kin gie yese a haun. We'v pit thegither a list o some o the airticle thit ur needin sortin oot. - it's no complete, an see gin yese hiv ony tae pit in, yese kin dae. Yese kin help oot bi daein hings like makkin categories, wikilinks, an picturs tae pages thit hivnae got ony. 'Mon lat's mak 'e Scots Wikipedia better! We'r invítin fowk in tae gie ae haun, but we ken thit thare's a muckle wirk tae be duin. We'r wantin fur yersel tae gie ae haun in becomin orgindar editors on 'e Scots Wiki, an tae come back an dae mair edits. See in ye'r no ower confident wi yer Scots, thare's a free 10 oor coorse thit's been pit thegither here. Scots Wikipedia admins an ordinar contríbutors ur walcome tae jyne in an aw, an lear fae natives an fluent spikkers, thay're juist as important as the wiki hitsel! Whit we dae[eedit soorce]
We host an editathon ivery month or twa, uisually themed aroond a certain topic. These events tak place ower 2 day, uiusually at a weekend, whaur we hiv onwab meetins whaur we dae collaborative chyngin, drap in sessions whaur fowk kin speir fur a haund wi an airticle thay'r sortin oot, an hiv tawks fae notable Scots personalities. Parteecipants[eedit soorce]
Uiserbox[eedit soorce]
{{Uiser The Big Wiki Rewrite}} Fremmit Airtins[eedit soorce]References[eedit soorce]