Wikipedia:Januar 2023 Writin Drive
Scots Wikipedia November 2022 Writin Drive in a nitshell:
Anent Us
[eedit soorce]January's writin drive is gaun'ae focus on stub airticles thit ur needin thair Scots sortit. Thare ur about 2700 article on the wiki thit are still tagged as needin thair Scots sortit, an aboot 1800 o'aim ur stubs. Mony o thaim are juist a coople o lines lang, so we'v got a really guid opportunity here tae dae a big dent in that 2700 nummer!
Whit tae dae:
- Sign up tae the Dashboard
- Pick an airticle frae the list pit doun ablow
- Sort oot the language s' thit ye're happy thit it's actual in Scots
- Gin ye'r wantin, dae a wee bit mair clean up - dicht ony unnecessary reid airtins, eik on to the article, eik citations
- Wanst ye'r happ wi it, dicht the box at the tap o the aiticle thit says "The 'Scots' thit wis uised in this airticle wis written bi a body that haesna a guid grip on the leid."
An 'at's it!
As we'v aye duin, we'll hiv tasks for folks thit arenae as confident wi thair written Scots an aw, an Zoom sessions durin the week for folks that'd like tae git thegither wi ither editors online for some social editin, or for ony Wiki-relatit quaitens.
(in Inglis) January's writing drive is going to focus on stub articles that need their Scots fixing. There are about 2700 articles on Scots wiki that are still tagged as needing their Scots fixed, and about 1800 of these are stubs. Many of these are just a couple of lines long, so we've got a really good opportunity here to make a big dent in that 2700 number!
What to do:
- Sign up to the Dashboard
- Pick an article from the list linked below
- Fix the language so that you're happy that it's really in Scots
- Do a bit more clean up if you like - delete any unnecessary red links, add to the article, add citations
- Once you're happy, delete the box at the top of the article that says " The "Scots" that wis uised in this airticle wis written bi a body that haesna a guid grip on the leid."
And that's it!
As ever we'll also have tasks for folks who aren't as confident in their written Scots, and Zoom sessions during the week for folks who'd like to get together with other editors online for some social editing, or for any Wiki-related questions.
[eedit soorce]The theme is Stubs, focusin on airticles needin thair Scots sortit.
Zoom sessions
[eedit soorce]- Monday 23rd January - 19:00 - 21:00 - Sign up on Eventbrite here.
- Saturday 28th January - 12:00 - 14:00 - Sign up on Eventbrite here.
[eedit soorce]Airticles tae sort oot
[eedit soorce]Ony frae this list.
- Wanst ye'r happ wi it, dicht the box at the tap o the aiticle thit says "The 'Scots' thit wis uised in this airticle wis written bi a body that haesna a guid grip on the leid."
(in Inglis) Tasks for people not confident in their Scots
[eedit soorce]Adding references, adding pictures, removing unnecessary redlinks.