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Robert Tannahill

Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge
Engraving frae the Biographical dictionary of eminent Scotsmen (1875)

Robert Tannahill (Juin 3, 1774 – Mey 17, 1810) wis a Scots poet o labourin cless origin. Kent as the 'Weaver Poet', he wrote dialect lyrics in the wake o Robert Burns.[1][2]


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  1. "Robert Tannahill: Biography on Undiscovered Scotland". www.undiscoveredscotland.co.uk. Retrieved 6 Februar 2025.
  2. Robin, Andy (12 Juin 2024). "Life and death of Scotland's 'forgotten bard' Robert Tannahill re-examined on 250th anniversary of his birth". Paisley Museum Reimagined (in Inglis). Retrieved 6 Februar 2025.