Auchenbowie Hoose
Auchenbowie Hoose is a laird's hoose in Stirlin, Scotland, boucht bi Robert Bruce, Provost o Stirlin (descendant o The Bruce) in 1555. The hoose wus eikit tae efterhaun, an remodelled in 1768 an again in the 19t centurie. It's located in the aurie o Auchenbowie, Stirlin.[1]
It passt bi mairiage tae the Munro faimilie in 1708 efter ane of the Bruce familie haed tae flee the kintra whan he killt a man in a duel. The Munro familie wis the awners in 1787 whan Robert Burns, the Scots naitional makar, steyed an screived in his jurnal anent dinin wi the Munro[1] that wus a makar an-aw.[2]
Umquhile Prime Minister o the Unitit Kinrick, Winston Churchill, steyed at the Hoose whan visitin a niece that had mairit intae the Munro familie.[1]
[eedit | eedit soorce]- ↑ a b c "Spectacular Scottish castles and estates for sale". Country Life (in Inglis). 26 August 2020. Retrieved 16 October 2020.
- ↑ Bennett, Gabriella (7 Julie 2017). "A house of notable guests". The Times (in Inglis). Retrieved 16 October 2020.