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Gilbert Hay (poet)

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Gilbert Hay (poet)
Personal details
Birth1403 (Gregorian)
Died15 century (Gregorian)
EddicationVarsity o Saunt Aundraes
Leids spokenMiddle Scots leid
Thrifttranslator (en) Owersetan poet
Notable wirkThe Buik of Alexander (en) Owerset
The buke of the governaunce of princis (en) Owerset
The buke of knychthede (en) Owerset
The buke of the law of armys (en) Owerset

Gilbert Hay (b. c. 1403; last mentioned in 1456) or Sir Gilbert the Haye, Scots poet an translator, wis aiblins a kinsman o the hoose o Errol.[1]


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  1. "Sir Gilbert Hay | Medieval Poet, Scottish Poet, Courtier | Britannica". www.britannica.com (in Inglis). Retrieved 3 Februar 2025.