Vehicle registration plates o Roushie

Vehicle registration plates are the mandatory nummer plates uised tae display the registration merk o a vehicle, an hae existit in Roushie for mony decades. Maist motor vehicles which are uised on public roads are required bi law tae display thaim.
Regional codes
[eedit | eedit soorce]
Codes o diplomatic representative offices an the internaitional organisations on diplomatic license plates
[eedit | eedit soorce]001 - Great Breetain
002 - Germany
003 - Canadae
004 - USA
005 - Japan
006 - Spain
007 - Fraunce
008 - Belgium
009 - Greece
010 - Denmark
011 - Italy
012 - Luxembourg
013 - Netherlands
014 - Norawa
015 - Turkey
016 - Australie
017 - Austria
018 - Algeria
019 - Egyp
020 - Rwanda*
021 - Argentina
022 - Afghanistan
023 - Myanmar (the umwhile Burma)
024 - Bolivia
025 - Brazil
026 - Burundi
027 - Ghana
028 - Bangladesh
029 - Guinea
030 - Zambia
031 - Peru
032 - Indie
033 - Indonesia
034 - Jordan
035 - Iraq
036 - Iran
037 - Ireland
038 - Iceland
039 - Cambodie (the umwhile Kampuchea)
040 - Kenyae
041 - Cyprus
042 - Congo
043 - Costa Rica
044 - Kuwait
045 - Laos
047 - Lebanon
048 - Libya
049 - Mali
050 - Morocco
051 - Mexico
052 - Nepal
053 - Nigeria
054 - Venezuela
055 - New Zealand
056 - Pakistan
057 - Burkina Faso*
058 - Senegal*
059 - formerly Sirie. Nou code 133 is uised.
060 - Somalia
061 - Sudan
062 - Sierra Leone
063 - Thailand
064 - Tanzania
065 - Tunisia
066 - Uganda
067 - Uruguay
068 - Philippines
069 - Finland
070 - Sri Lanka
071 - Chad
072 - Switzerland
073 - Swaden
074 - Ecuador
075 - Ethiopia
076 - Angola
077 - Democratic Republic o Congo (the umwhile Republic Zaire)
078 - Colombia
079 - Cameroon
080 - Guinea-Bissau
081 - Portugal
082 - Bulgaria
083 - Hungary
084 - Vietnam
086 - Poland
087 - Korean Fowk's Democratic Republic (North Korea)
088 - Cuba
089 - Mongolie
090 - Cheenae
091 - Romanie
092 - formerly Czechoslovakia (nowadays Czech Republic (148) an Slovakia (149))
093 - Serbia
094 - Benin
095 - Gabon
096 - Guyana*
097 - Mauritania
098 - Madagascar*
099 - Malaysia
100 - Niger*
101 - Singapore
102 - Togo*
103 - Central African Republic (code 106 uised earlier)
104 - Jamaica*
105 - Yemen
106 - formerly Central African Republic. Nou code 103 is uised.
107 - Palestine
108 - Nicaragua
109 - Mozambique
110 - Equatorial Guinea
111 - Sovereign Military Order o Malta (earlier code 111 belonged tae Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Comecon))
112 - Malta
113 - Cape Verde
115 - Zimbabwe
116 - United Arab Emirates
117 - Côte d'Ivoire*
118 - Namibia
119 - formerly Republic o South Africae. Nou code 137 is uised.
120 - Oman
121 - Qatar
122 - formerly Arab League. Nou code 503 is uised
123 - formerly Liechtenstein
124 - South Korea
125 - Chile
126 - Panama (earlier code 126 belonged tae UNESCO; see code 512)
127 - Israel
128 - FYR Macedonia (earlier code 128 belonged tae EU)
129 - Albania
130 - formerly internaitional organisations
131 - Holy See (Vatican)
132 - Lithuanie
133 - Sirie (code 059 uised earlier)
134 - Estonie
135 - Latvie
136 - Bahrain
137 - Republic o South Africae (code 119 uised earlier)
138 - Armenie
139 - formerly Georgia. Nou code 158 is uised.
140 - Saudi Arabia
141 - Slovenia
142 - Uzbekistan
143 - Kyrgyzstan
144 - Croatia
145 - Azerbaijan
146 - Ukraine
147 - Moldova
148 - Czech Republic
149 - Slovakia
150 - Belarus
151 - Tajikistan
152 - Turkmenistan
153 - Kazakhstan
154 - Guatemala
155 - Bosnia an Herzegovina
156 - Eritrea
157 - Paraguay*
158 - Georgia (code 139 uised earlier)
159 - Brunei-Darussalam
160 - Gambia
161 - Vietnam
162 - Mauritius
163 - Dominican Republic
164 - Montenegro
165 - South Ossetia
166 - Abkhazia
167 - Djibouti
International organisations
[eedit | eedit soorce]499 - Eurocommission (code 502 uised earlier)
500 - European bank for Reconstruction an Development
501 - formerly UN Information Centre
502 - formerly Eurocommission. Nou code 499 is uised.
503 - Arab League (جامعة الدول العربية)
504 - Internaitional Bank for Reconstruction an Development
505 - Internaitional Monetary Fund (IMF)
506 - Internaitional Organization for Migration
507 - Internaitional Federation o Reid Cross an Reid Crescent Societies
508 - Internaitional Committee o the Reid Cross
509 - Internaitional Finance Corporation (IFC)
510 - United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
511 - United Nations (UN)
512 - United Nations Educational, Scienteefic an Cultural Organization (UNESCO); code 126 uised earlier.
514 - Internaitional Bank for Economic Complementation
515 - Internaitional Investment Bank
516 - The Intersputnik Internaitional Organization o Space Communications
517 - Internaitional Centre o Scienteefic an Technical Information
518 - Internaitional Scienteefic an Technical Centre
520 - Internaitional Labour Organization
521 - The Interelectro Internaitional Organization for Economic, Scienteefic an Technical Cooperation in Electrical Industry
522 - Coordination Centre o the Intergovernmental Commission for Cooperation in Computing Machinery
523 - Executive Committee o the Commonwealth o Independent States
524 - European Space Agency
525 - Eurasian Patent Organization
526 - earlier Taipei-Moscow Coordination Commission for Economic an Cultural Cooperation
527 - The Headquarters for Coordination o Military Cooperation o the state-participants o the Commonwealth o Independent States
528 - Interstate Bank
529 - Eurasian Economic Community (earlier - Integration Committee o the Eurasian Economic Community)
530 - Internaitional Research Institute o Management Problems
531 - Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTA)
532 - Intergovernmental Statistical Committee o the CIS
533 - Secretary o Council o Interparliamentary Assembly o state-participants o the Commonwealth o Independent States
534 - Eurasian Development Bank (EDB)
535 - The Intergovernmental Foundation for Educational Cooperation o the CIS
Consular offices
[eedit | eedit soorce]900 - Honorary consuls an offices headed bi them.
See an aw
[eedit | eedit soorce]References
[eedit | eedit soorce]- ↑ Archived 2018-04-28 at the Wayback Machine Statistics of region Republic of Tatarstan. License plates of Russia, Cars (type 1, 1a)
- ↑ Archived 2018-04-28 at the Wayback Machine Statistics of region Samara Oblast. License plates of Russia, Cars (type 1, 1a)
- ↑ Archived 2018-04-28 at the Wayback Machine Statistics of region Moscow City. License plates of Russia, Cars (type 1, 1a)
- ↑ Archived 2017-12-10 at the Wayback Machine Statistics of region Moscow City. License plates of Russia, Cars (type 1, 1a)
- ↑ Archived 2018-04-28 at the Wayback Machine Statistics of region St. Petersburg City. License plates of Russia, Cars (type 1, 1a)
Freemit airtins
[eedit | eedit soorce]Media relatit tae License plates of Russia at Wikimedia Commons