Crest o Brunei

The Naitional Crest o Brunei is featurt prominently on the Banner o Brunei. It wis adoptit in 1932. Thare are five main components te the naitional crest accordin tae the Govrenment's Offeecial wabsteid. Thay are the banner, the ryal umberellae, the weeng, the haunds, an the crescent. On the crescent is writin in Arabic script that contain the naitional motto o: "Aaways in service wi God's guidance". Belaw this is a banner wi the name o the naition in Arabic script as "Brunei Darussalam" or Brunei, land o peace.
The wings seembolise pertection o juistice an peace. Belaw these is the crescent that is the seembol o Islam, the naitional releegion o Brunei. The hands seembolise the govrenment's duty tae pertect the fowk.