Regions o Kyrgyzstan
(Reguidit frae Provinces o Kyrgyzstan)

Template:Politics o Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan is dividit intae seiven regions (singular: област - oblast, plural: областтар - oblasttar). The caipital, Bishkek, is admeenistratively an unthirlt ceety (shaar), as well as bein the caipital o Chuy Province. Osh an aa haes shaar status.
The regions, wi their caipitals, are as follaes:
- Bishkek (shaar)
- Batken Region (Batken)
- Chuy Region (Bishkek)
- Jalal-Abad Region (Jalal-Abad)
- Naryn Region (Naryn)
- Osh Region (Osh)
- Talas Region (Talas)
- Issyk Kul Region (Karakol)
- Osh (shaar)
Each region is further dividit intae raions (destricts), admeenistered bi govrenment-appointit offeecials. Landwart commonties (aiyl okmotus) consistin o up tae twintie smaw dounsets hae their awn electit mayors an cooncils.