Napalm Death
Napalm Death | |
![]() Napalm Death live at Hammerfest 2010. | |
Background information | |
Oreigin | Meriden, Ingland, Unitit Kinrick |
Genres | Grindcore, daith metal |
Years active | 1981–present |
Labels | Century Media Records, Spitfire, Earache |
Associate acts | See belaw |
Wabsteid | |
Members | Mark "Barney" Greenway Shane Embury Mitch Harris Danny Herrera |
Past members | (see belaw) |
Napalm Death is a extreme metal baund formit in Meriden, Ingland in 1981.[1] While nane o its oreeginal members remain in the group, the lineup o vocalist Mark "Barney" Greenway, bassist Shane Embury, guitarist Mitch Harris an drummer Danny Herrera haes remained consistent for maist o the baund's career.
Napalm Death are creditit wi definin the grindcore genre bi incorporatin elements o hardcore punk an daith metal, short sangs, fast tempos, deep guttural vocals an sociopoleetical leerics. The baund's debut album Scum, released in 1987 bi Earache Records, pruivit substantially influential throughoot the global metal commonty.[2]
[eedit | eedit soorce]Early history 1981–1986
[eedit | eedit soorce]Napalm Death wur formit in the veelage o Meriden near Birmingham, Ingland, in August 1982 bi Nic Bullen an Miles Ratledge while the duo wur still in thair early teenage years. The duo haed been playin in amateur baunds syne 1980 as an extension o thair fanzine writin, an went throu a nummer o names (includin "Civil Defence", "The Mess", "Evasion" an "Undead Hatred") afore chuisin Napalm Death in mid 1981.
The baund wur initially inspired bi the early wave o punk baunds, parteecularly the anarcho-punk movement (a sub-genre o punk muisic focused on anarchist politics) an groups athin that genre sic as Crass.
The first stable line-up o the group consistit o Nicholas Bullen on vocals an bass, Simon Oppenheimer on guitar, an Miles Ratledge on drums, an lastit frae December 1981 tae Januar 1982. Graham Robertson jynt on bass in Januar 1982. Simon Oppenheimer left the group in August 1982 an wis replaced bi Darryl Fedeski who left the group in October 1982: at this pynt, Graham Robertson began tae play guitar an Finbarr Quinn (ex-Curfew) jynt on bass an backin vocals.
The group played concerts throughoot 1982 (playin thair first concert on 25 Julie 1982 at Atherstone Miners Club) an 1983 (sharin billin wi anarcho-punk groups sic as Amebix, The Apostles an Antisect), an made 4 demo recordins in 1982 an 1983, ane o which contributit thair first released recordin tae the Bullshit Detector Volume 3 compilation released bi Crass Records in 1984.
The baund entered a period o hiatus frae the end o 1983 onwards, playin anerlie ane concert in 1984 (a benefit for strikin mine wirkers) wi additional vocalist Marian Williams (ex-Relevant POS, an sister o the drummer o the group Human Cabbages frae Coventry). Durin this period, Bullen met Justin Broadrick, a guitarist frae Birmingham wi whom he shared an interest in the muisic o baunds sic as Killing Joke, Throbbing Gristle, Crass, Amebix, Swans, an the developin pouer electronics scene. Bullen jynt Broadrick's Final project for a period in 1983.
In Julie 1985, Napalm Death briefly reformit in order tae appear at a concert at the Mermaid in Birmingham which wis an aa notable as the last concert bi Final. The group consistit o a 4-piece line-up o Miles Ratledge - drums, Bullen - vocals, bass an guitar, Graham Robertson - guitar an bass, an Damien Errington - guitar.
Efter this concert, Ratledge an Bullen asked Broadrick tae jyne Napalm Death as guitarist, wi Bullen as vocalist an bass player. The baund began tae develop a muisical style which blendit elements o post-punk (pairticularly Killing Joke an Amebix), hivy punk in the vein o Discharge, an thrash metal (wi pairticular reference tae Possessed an Celtic Frost).
The group played thair first concert as a trio on 31 August 1985 (playin 2 concerts on the same day: Telford wi Chumbawamba an Blyth Power, an Birmingham wi We've Got a Fuzzbox and We're Gonna Use It), an began tae play regularly in the Birmingham aurie (pairticularly at The Mermaid public hoose in the Sparkhill aurie o Birmingham) wi a wide range o musickers includin Icons of Filth, Concrete Sox, The Varukers, Decadence Within, an The Groundhogs.
In September 1985, Peter Shaw (ex-Autism) jynt on bass. The 4-piece line-up recordit Hatred Surge (the band's 5t demo recordin) on 23 October 1985 which the baund made available at thair concerts an bi mail.
Follaein the recordin o the demo, Bullen an Broadrick wished tae extend thair exploration o a mair extreme muisical style which creatit a split in the group wi Ratledge: as a result, the group splintered an Mick Harris (a local fan) wis asked tae jyne as drummer in December 1985.
The trio - Bullen on vocals an bass, Broadrick on guitar an Harris on drums - made thair first performance on 15 December 1985 an went on tae play mony concerts in 1986, predominantly in the Birmingham aurie, wi muisickers sic as Amebix, Antisect, Chaos UK, Varukers, Disorder an Dirge.
The group recordit a 6t demo, From Enslavement to Obliteration, on 15 Mairch 1986, which the group made available at thair concerts an throu mail, afore makin a 7t recordin later that year, Scum, which wis proveesionally intendit tae form pairt o a split LP wi the Inglis hardcore baund Atavistic on Manic Lugs records. This recordin later became the first side o the baund's debut album Scum in 1987.
The baund then faced a nummer o line-up chynges. Bullen wis becomin frustratit wi the muisical direction o the group, an began tae lose interest as a whole: as a result, Jim Whiteley wis asked tae jyne as bass player. The baund played a nummer o concerts as a fower-piece afore Justin Broadrick left the group tae play the drums for local baund Head of David. The group attemptit tae fynd a new guitarist bi askin Shane Embury (ex-Unseen Terror an a fan o the group) tae jyne an givin a trial period tae Frank Healy (ex-Annihilator, later o Cerebral Fix an Sacrilege). Efter Broadrick's depairtur, Bullen's dissatisfaction wi the muisical direction o the group led him tae leave the group in December 1986 (in order tae focus on his studies in Inglis leeteratur an philosophy at varsity).
[eedit | eedit soorce]Wi the depairtur o Broadrick an Bullen, the baund haed tae leuk for new members. Guitarist Bill Steer played in a baund based in Liverpool, cried Carcass an gien the affinity atween the baunds, he jynt Napalm Death while still playin an active role in Carcass. The baund asked a friend (Lee Dorrian) tae jyne as vocalist due tae his guid relationship wi the baund (he haed organised a nummer o concerts for the baund), even tho he haed niver been in a baund afore. This line-up recordit the B side o the Scum LP at Rich Bitch studios in Mey 1987, an the album wis released throu Earache Records.
The baund promptly lost anither member juist afore thay unnerteuk a short tour efter the release o Scum. Jim Whiteley left the group (tae jyne Ripcord) an Shane Embury (umwhile drummer o Unseen Terror) jynt on bass. The baund then appeared on twa compilation records ('North Atlantic Noise Attack' an the 'Pathological Compilation'), recordit twa Peel sessions an a split 7" wi the Japanese baund S.O.B. Thay an aw returned tae Rich Bitch studio ance mair an recordit thair seicont album: From Enslavement to Obliteration.
A follae-up release tae "Enslavement.." came in the form o the sax sang 12" EP "Mentally Murdered", which wis tae be the last recordin wi the Harris/Steer/Dorian/Embury line-up. This EP wis recordit at the Slaughterhouse Studios an teuk on a slichtly different soond, blendin grindcore wi daith metal. Follaein the release, Napalm Death wur featurt on naitional telly in the Unitit Kinrick in a hivy metal special bi Arena (BBC 2).
The baund continued tae tour, but as suin as thay came back hame frae Japan, in Julie 1989, Steer an Dorrian left the baund: Steer decidit tae focus full-time on Carcass, while Dorrian formit the doom metal group Cathedral. The group recruitit Jesse Pintado (ex-Terrorizer) on guitar an Mark "Barney" Greenway (ex-Benediction) as vocalist. This line-up teuk pairt in the Grindcrusher tour organised bi Earache Records an featurin fellae label-mates Carcass, Bolt Thrower an Morbid Angel. The group recruitit Mitch Harris (ex-Righteous Pigs) as thair seicont guitarist efter the tour.
[eedit | eedit soorce]In Florida, thay stairtit wirkin on thair next album, Harmony Corruption. While writin Harmony Corruption thay chynged thair style a little, frae grindcore, tae a mix o blast beats an some slower, mair rhythmic pairts. In addition, daith metal wis a major influence on Harmony Corruption, mair sae than thair previous records. Efter releasin the new record, thay went on tourin aroond the warld an frae the material filmed at those concerts thay released a hame-video, Live Corruption. It wis directit bi notit metal director Steve Payne.
The baund caught considerable flack frae langtime fans in respect tae the "daith metal" soond an production o Harmony Corruption. Smartin frae the accusations o sellin-oot bi the Breetish unnergrund "elites", Napalm entered Eddie Van Dale's Violent Noise Experience Club in Mairch o '91 tae record sax new tracks. Thir new sangs, the "Mass Appeal Madness" 12" LP, haed a muckle mair raw grind quality tae them, fyndin instant favour wi fans. This recordin, alang wi the "Mentally Murdered" 12", the split 7" wi S.O.B. an live tracks frae Live Corruption, foond a hame on the Death by Manipulation CD.
Drummer Mick Harris - the anerlie remainin member o the line-up that haed played on the baund's first album, Scum - eventually left Napalm Death acause o conflicts regardin thair muisical style. Danny Herrera, a close friend tae Jesse Pintado, wis brocht in tae replace Mick. The addition o Herrera wad be the last major line-up chynge o the baund, save for Jesse Pintado's futur absence, which haes yet tae be filled (an vocalist Phil Vane niver recordit wi the baund). Napalm Death released a new record, Utopia Banished. Nou wirkin wi producer Colin Richardson. This release wis a kynd o "return tae the ruits" - grindcore. Efter recordin The World Keeps Turning EP, the baund toured Europe wi Dismember an Obituary on the "Campaign for Musical Destruction" tour. Thay then toured the US wi Sepultura, Sacred Reich an Sick Of It All. The proceeds o Napalm Death's 1993 EP Nazi Punks Fuck Off wur donatit tae anti-fascist organisations.
The baund remixed the track "Mind Of A Razor" bi Lunnon based hip hop crew Gunshot. The remixed version o the track appeared on the EP o the same name in 1992. Thereefter, thay went tae the studio an recordit Fear, Emptiness, Despair. Awtho it wis still as hivy an aggressive as iver, the new record teuk a different direction an soondit mair experimental; thay addit mair rhythmic riffs, an industrial-lik structur, an then addit grindcore blast beats. Live concerts wi Entombed, Obituary an Machine Head showed the audience hou violent an aggressive the new Napalm Death soond wis. Thay continued wi the experimentation throu the rest o the 1990s.
[eedit | eedit soorce]The Greed Killing EP wis the next release frae the baund, throu Earache. Efter the preview wi the EP, Diatribes, a full-lenth album wis released. Awtho things seemed tae be goin smoothly frae the ootside, thay wur goin throu problems. Misunnerstaundin rose atween the members an sangster Greenway wis evictit frae the baund in late/mid 1996. Greenway went tae record wi Extreme Noise Terror (the ENT release Damage 381 features Barney on lead vocals) an ENT's main sangster Phil Vane went tae fill vocals slot in Napalm Death. Things did no go as well as thay wur supposed tae, an Vane wis kicked oot o the baund juist afore thay got intae the studio tae record the new album. As a result, Greenway rejoined Napalm Death.
The next albums Inside the Torn Apart an Words from the Exit Wound continued wi the experimentation but displayed mair signs o grindcore, notably faster tempos than the last twae albums. This return wis completit wi the release o Enemy of the Music Business. It shows thair anger wi the muisic industry an especially wi Earache. It wis the last time Pintado iver recordit wi the baund. Order of the Leech continued whaur thair previous album endit an can be seen as even mair faster an aggressive.
In 2004, thay recordit a covers album cried Leaders Not Followers: Part 2, the sequel tae thair earlier covers EP. It conteens covers o auld hardcore punk an hivy metal baunds, includin Cryptic Slaughter, Massacre, Kreator, Sepultura, Siege an Discharge. Due to personal problems, Jesse Pintado did no play on aither Order of the Leech or Leaders Not Followers: Part 2; it wis Harris who performed the owerdubbin insteid. At this pynt, Pintado left Napalm daith acause he grew tired o the baund an wantit tae stairt something new.
2005 onwards
[eedit | eedit soorce]
In Aprile 2005, thair next album The Code Is Red...Long Live the Code wis released. It featurs guest appearances frae Jeffrey Walker (umwhile o Carcass), Jamey Jasta (Hatebreed vocalist) an Jello Biafra (umwhile o Dead Kennedys, an Lard amang mony ither baunds). The album continues the baund's progressive approach tae thair brutal brent o extreme metal, wi thair trademark grindcore soond retained.
Napalm Death feenished recordin thair follae-up album titled Smear Campaign in Juin 2006; released on 15 September 2006 tae vera strang reviews frae fans an creetics alike. The main leerical focus is creeticism o the Unitit States Govrenment an ither govrenments who are strangly releegious. The album features a guest appearance bi Anneke van Giersbergen, vocalist for the Dutch rock baund The Gathering. Thare is a limitit edition digipak version o Smear Campaign, which haes twa new sangs, "Call That an Option?" an "Atheist Runt".
In early 2006 Napalm Death headlined a tour wi Kreator, A Perfect Murder, an Undying. On 27 August 2006, Jesse Pintado dee'd in a hospital in the Netherlands due tae liver failure, promptin Mitch Harris tae express his sadness at the loss o someane he thocht o as "a brither" on the baund's offeecial wabsteid. Efter the Smear Campaign tour, the baund did a 2007 "World Domination Tour".
In November 2008, Napalm Death's fowerteent studio album, entitled Time Waits For No Slave, leaked ontae the internet; it wis offeecially released on 23 Januar 2009. Similar tae Smear Campaign, Time Waits For No Slave an' a' haed a digipak version containin twa extra sangs ("Suppressed Hunger" an "Omnipresent Knife In Your Back").
In Februar 2011, Napalm Death appeared in an episode o Channel 4's "Skins". An aw in 2011, thay recordit the single "Legacy Was Yesterday". Napalm Death are puttin the feenishin touches on Utilitarian, thair 15t studio album, an will be released on 27 Februar 27 in Europe an 28 Februar 2012 in North Americae via Century Media.[3]
[eedit | eedit soorce]- Scum (1987)
- From Enslavement to Obliteration (1988)
- Harmony Corruption (1990)
- Utopia Banished (1992)
- Fear, Emptiness, Despair (1994)
- Diatribes (1996)
- Inside the Torn Apart (1997)
- Words from the Exit Wound (1998)
- Enemy of the Music Business (2000)
- Order of the Leech (2002)
- Leaders Not Followers: Part 2 (2004)
- The Code Is Red...Long Live the Code (2005)
- Smear Campaign (2006)
- Time Waits for No Slave (2009)
- Utilitarian (2012)
- Apex Predator – Easy Meat (2015)
- Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism (2020)
[eedit | eedit soorce]Current members
[eedit | eedit soorce]- Mark "Barney" Greenway – vocals (1989–1996, 1997–present)
- Shane Embury – bass guitar (1987–present)
- Mitch Harris – guitars, backin vocals (1990–present)
- Danny Herrera – drums (1991–present)
Past members
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Associatit acts
[eedit | eedit soorce]Members o Napalm Death hae muivit on tae form baunds sic as Carcass, Godflesh, Cathedral, Scorn, Jesu, an Black Galaxy. Addeetionally, baund members hae formit numerous side projects, includin Lull, Painkiller, Brujeria, Lock Up, Meathook Seed, Defecation, Teeth of Lions Rule the Divine, an Venomous Concept.
[eedit | eedit soorce]- ↑ For the evolution of the death metal and grindcore extreme musical genres, see, Mudrian, A., 2004, Choosing Death: The Improbable History of Death Metal & Grindcore , Feral House, Los Angeles.
- ↑ Napalm Death at Allmusic
- ↑ "News > NAPALM DEATH – New Album Title, Cover Artwork Unveiled". Archived frae the original on 11 November 2011. Retrieved 4 November 2011.
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- Napalm Death
- Crust an d-beat groups
- Daithgrind muisical groups
- Inglis daith metal muisical groups
- Inglis grindcore muisical groups
- Inglis hivy metal muisical groups
- Muisical groups frae Birmingham, Wast Midlands
- Muisical groups established in 1981
- Muisical quartets
- Muisical quintets
- Kerrang! Awards winners
- 1980s muisic groups
- 1990s muisic groups
- 2000s muisic groups
- 2010s muisic groups
- Earache Records airtists
- Century Media Records airtists