Modren Scots

Modren Scots conseests o the varieties o the Scots leid tradeetionally spakken in the Lallans an pairts o Ulster, fae 1700.
Oothrou hits historie, Modren Scots haes bin dreein a process o leid attrition, whaurby generation efter generation o spikkers haes adoptit mair an mair meiths fae Modren Inglis, muckle fae the colloquial register. This process o leid contact or byleidisation unner Inglis haes acceleratit fest syne braid aiccess tae mass media in Inglis, an eikit population mobility becam available efter Warld War II.[1][2] Hit haes newlins taen on the natur o halesale leid shift taewart Scots Inglis, sumtimes cried leid chynge, convergence ir gang thegither an aw.
By the end o the twintiet yeirhunner, Scots wis at a late stage o leid deith ower muckle o Lallan Scotland.[3] Remeenin Scots meiths is affen semply regairdit nouadays as slang, espeicially by fowk fae ootwith Scotland, bit iven by mony Scots thaimsels.
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The Modren Scots varieties is generally dividit intae five byleid group:[4]
- Insular Scots – spakken in Orkney an Shetland.
- Northren Scots – Spakken north o the Firth o Tay.
- North Northren – spakken in Caithness, Easter Ross an the Black Isle.
- Mid Northren (cried North East an Doric an aw) – spakken in Moray, Buchan, Aiberdeenshire an Nairn .
- Sooth Northren – spakken in east Angus an the Mearns.
- Central Scots – spakken in the Central Lallans an Sooth Wast Scotland.
- North East Central – spakken north o the Forth, in sooth east Perthshire an wast Angus.
- South East Central – spakken in Lowden, Peeblesshire an Berwickshire
- Wast Central – spakken in Dunbartonshire, Lanrikshire, Renfrewshire, Inverclyde, Ayrshire, on the Isle o Bute an tae the soothren extremity of Kintyre.
- South Wast Central – spakken in wast Dumfriesshire, Kirkcoubrieshire an Wigtounshire.
- Sooth Scots – spakken in mid an east Dumfriesshire an the Mairches coonties Selkirkshire and Roxburghshire, in parteecular the dales o the Annan, the Esk, the Liddel Watter, the Teviot an the Yarrow Watter. Hit is kent as the "mairch tongue" ir "mairch Scots" an aw.
- Ulster Scots – spokken maistly by the descendants o Scots sattlers in Ulster, parteecularly coonties Antrim, Doun and Dunnygal. Kent as "Ullans" an aw.
[eedit | eedit soorce]- ↑ "A Brief History of Scots in Corbett, John; McClure, Derrick; Stuart-Smith, Jane (Editors)(2003) The Edinburgh Companion to Scots. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 0-7486-1596-2. p. 15
- ↑ Millar, Robert McColl (2007). Northern and insular Scots. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. p. 15. ISBN 978-0-7486-2996-1. OCLC 100562381.
- ↑ Macafee C. "Studying Scots Vocabulary in Corbett, John; McClure, Derrick; Stuart-Smith, Jane (Editors)(2003) The Edinburgh Companion to Scots. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press. ISBN 0-7486-1596-2. p. 51
- ↑ "SND Introduction – Dialect Districts". Archived frae the original on 1 Juin 2013. Retrieved 21 Mey 2009.