Qashqadaryo Province
Qashqadaryo Province (Uzbek: Qashqadaryo viloyati, Қашқадарё вилояти, Tajik: вилояти Кешкруд / viloyati Keshkrud), (auld spellin Kashkadarya Province) is a viloyat (province) o Uzbekistan, locatit in the soothren pairt o the kintra in the basin o the Qashqadaryo River an the wastren slopes o the Pamir Muntains. It borders wi Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Samarkand Province, Buxoro Province an Surxondaryo Province. It covers an aurie o 28,400 km². The population is estimatit tae be aroond 2,067,000 (2007),[1] wi some 73% livin in rural auries.
Admeenistrative diveesions
[eedit | eedit soorce]The provincial caipital is Karshi (Qarshi) (pop est 177,000 indwallers). Ither major touns include Beshkent, Chiroqchi (Chirakchi), Dehkanabad (Dehqonobod), Guzar (G‘uzor), Kitob, Koson, Myrishkor, Muborak, Kamashi (Qamashi), Shahrisabz, Shurbazar, Tollimarjon (Talimardzhan), an Yakkabog.

Qashqadaryo Province is currently dividit intae thirteen admeenistrative destricts.[2]
Destrict name | Destrict caipital | |
1 | Chiroqchi Destrict | Chiroqchi (Chirakchi) |
2 | Dehkanabad Destrict | Karashina |
3 | Guzar Destrict | Guzar (G‘uzor) |
4 | Kamashi Destrict | Kamashi |
5 | Karshi Destrict | Beshkent |
6 | Kasby Destrict | Muglan |
7 | Kitob Destrict | Kitab |
8 | Koson Destrict | Koson |
9 | Myrishkor Destrict | Yangi Mirishkor |
10 | Muborak Destrict | Muborak |
11 | Nishon Destrict | Yangi-Nishon |
12 | Shakhrisabz Destrict | Shakhrisabz |
13 | Yakkabog Destrict | Yakkabog |
Laitinization o destrict names is in accordance wi the offeecial Uzbekistan governmental wabsteid.[2]
[eedit | eedit soorce]The climate is a teepically arid continental climate an pairtly semi-tropical.
[eedit | eedit soorce]Naitural resoorces include significant petroleum an natural gas reserves, wi the Mubarekh Oil an Gas Processing Plant as the region’s lairgest industry. Ither industry includes oo processin, textiles, licht industry, fuid processin an construction materials. Major agricultural activities include cotton, various crops an livestock. The irrigation infrastructur is vera well developed wi the lairge Tollimarjon reservoir as a reliable watter soorce.
The province haes a well-developed transport infrastructur, wi ower 350 km o railways an 4000 km o surfaced roads.
[eedit | eedit soorce]The ceety o Shahrisabz, the birthplace o Amir Timur, is the main tourist attraction in the province.
[eedit | eedit soorce]- ↑ "География Узбекистана" ("Geography Uzbekistan") Archived 2010-02-15 at the Wayback Machine, Geosite, in Roushie, accessed 6 June 2009
- ↑ a b "Kashkadarya regional administration (Viloyat)" Archived 2007-07-13 at the Wayback Machine, on the offeecial wabsteid o the Uzbekistan govrenment]