Winston Churchill
![]() Sir Winston Churchill | |
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Prime Meenister o the Unitit Kinrick | |
In office 26 October 1951 – 6 Aprile 1955 | |
Monarch | |
Depute | Anthony Eden |
Precedit bi | Clement Attlee |
Succeedit bi | Anthony Eden |
In office 10 Mey 1940 – 26 Julie 1945 | |
Monarch | George VI |
Depute | Clement Attlee |
Precedit bi | Neville Chamberlain |
Succeedit bi | Clement Attlee |
Leader o the Opposeetion | |
In office 26 Julie 1945 – 26 October 1951 | |
Monarch | George VI |
Prime Meenister | Clement Attlee |
Precedit bi | Clement Attlee |
Succeedit bi | Clement Attlee |
Leader o the Conservative Pairty | |
In office 9 November 1940 – 6 Aprile 1955 | |
Precedit bi | Neville Chamberlain |
Succeedit bi | Anthony Eden |
Meenister o Defence | |
In office 28 October 1951 – 1 Mairch 1952 | |
Precedit bi | Emanuel Shinwell |
Succeedit bi | The Earl Alexander o Tunis |
In office 10 Mey 1940 – 26 Julie 1945 | |
Precedit bi | The Laird Chatfield |
Succeedit bi | Clement Attlee |
First Laird o the Admiralty | |
In office 3 September 1939 – 11 Mey 1940 | |
Prime Meenister | Neville Chamberlain |
Precedit bi | The Earl Stanhope |
Succeedit bi | A. V. Alexander |
In office 24 October 1911 – 25 Mey 1915 | |
Prime Meenister | H. H. Asquith |
Precedit bi | Reginald McKenna |
Succeedit bi | Arthur Balfour |
Chancellor o the Exchequer | |
In office 6 November 1924 – 4 Juin 1929 | |
Prime Meenister | Stanley Baldwin |
Precedit bi | Philip Snowden |
Succeedit bi | Philip Snowden |
Secretar o State for the Colonies | |
In office 13 Februar 1921 – 19 October 1922 | |
Prime Meenister | David Lloyd George |
Precedit bi | The Viscount Milner |
Succeedit bi | The Duke of Devonshire |
Secretary of State for Air | |
In office 10 January 1919 – 13 February 1921 | |
Prime Meenister | David Lloyd George |
Precedit bi | The Viscoont Weir |
Succeedit bi | Frederick Edward Guest |
Secretar o State for War | |
In office 10 Januar 1919 – 13 Februar 1921 | |
Prime Meenister | David Lloyd George |
Precedit bi | The Viscoont Milner |
Succeedit bi | Sir Laming Worthington-Evans |
Meenister o Muneetions | |
In office 17 Julie 1917 – 10 Januar 1919 | |
Prime Meenister | David Lloyd George |
Precedit bi | Christopher Addison |
Succeedit bi | The Laird Inverforth |
Chancellor o the Duchy o Lancaster | |
In office 25 Mey 1915 – 25 November 1915 | |
Prime Meenister | H. H. Asquith |
Precedit bi | Edwin Samuel Montagu |
Succeedit bi | Herbert Samuel |
Hame Secretar | |
In office 19 Februar 1910 – 24 October 1911 | |
Prime Meenister | H. H. Asquith |
Precedit bi | Herbert Gladstone |
Succeedit bi | Reginald McKenna |
Preses o the Buird o Trade | |
In office 12 Aprile 1908 – 14 Februar 1910 | |
Prime Meenister | H. H. Asquith |
Precedit bi | David Lloyd George |
Succeedit bi | Sydney Buxton |
MP for Woodford | |
In office 5 Julie 1945 – 15 October 1964 | |
Precedit bi | Constituency Creatit |
Succeedit bi | Patrick Jenkin |
Personal details | |
Born | Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill 30 November 1874 Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, Ingland |
Dee'd | 24 Januar 1965 Lunnon, Ingland | (aged 90)
Restin place | St Martin's Kirk, Bladon |
Poleetical pairty | Conservative (1900–04, 1924–64) Liberal (1904–24) |
Spoose(s) | Clementine Hozier (m. 1908) |
Bairns |
Parents |
Alma mater | |
Profession |
Religion | Anglican |
Militar service | |
Service/brainch | Breetish Airmy, Territorial Airmy |
Years o service | 1895–1900 1902–24 |
Rank | Lieutenant-Colonel |
Battles/wars | Seicont Boer War, First Warld War |
Sir Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill (30 November 1874 − 24 Januar 1965) wis an Inglis politeecian maist weel-kent for his guideship o the Unitit Kinrick durin Warld War II. Houaniver he wis an officer in the Breetish airmy, a historian, a Nobel Prize-winnin author an an airtist an aw.
[eedit | eedit soorce]He wis born in Bleinheim Pailace in 1874, intae a weel-kent faimlie. As a bairn, he was nae guid at the schuilin, an gat intae tribble. He gaed tae Harrow Schuil 1888, an while thare he jynt the Harrow Rifle Corps. Forby thon, while he wis thare he gat guid merks in Inglis an History an wis the schuil fencin kemp.
Breetish Airmy
[eedit | eedit soorce]Efter he left Harrow in 1893, he applee'd tae the Ryal Militar Academy Sandhurst, houaniver it teuk him three shotties for tae git in. Whan he gat in, he graduatit 8t oot a cless o 150, an wis commeesioned as a Seicont Lieutenant in the 4t Queen's Ain Hussars. As an officer in the Breetish airmy, he saw fechtin in Indie, Sudan an in Sooth Africae, durin the Seicont Boer War. Forby thon, he sert on the Wastren Front durin Warld War I.
Politeecal career
[eedit | eedit soorce]In 1900 he wis electit tae be a Member o Pairlament for Oldham as a Conservative. Houaniver in 1904 he becam a Leeberal, an in 1906 becam Member o Pairliament for Manchester North-Wast. In 1911 he becam First Laird o the Admiralty, a poseetion he haudit intae Warld Weir I. He supportit reform sic as naval aviation, oncome o tanks an chyngin frae coal tae ile in the Ryal Navy. Houaniver, efter the Battle o Gallipoli, he resignt an jynt the airmy ance mair serrin on the Wastren Front (see abuin). In 1922 he jynt the Conservatives again, but didna git electit, sae he 1923 he retourt tae the Leeberals but didna git electit but he gat electit in 1924 as an independent in Epping, an the neist year he jynt the Conservatives yit again an wis appyntit thesaurer. In 1929 the Conservatives tint the General Election, an Churchill didna chuise tae try an git reelectit, but he chuist tae stey inrowed in politics.
Seicont Warld War
[eedit | eedit soorce]At the ootbrak o Warld War II, Churchill wis appyntit First Laird o the Admiralty again, siclike he haed been at the ootbrak o WWI. But efter Neville Chamberlain resigned as Prime Meenister, Churchill teuk ower. As Prime Meenister, Breetain faced bein invadit bi Germany. His speeches wis o great inspiration tae the Breetish fowk, mony o thaim aye weel-kent nou. He haed a guid sibness wi Americae that helpit tae git supplies frae thaim, an keepit thaim as allies. Maugre o bein anti-communist, he supportit the Soviet Union durin WWII an gied thaim supplees an wappens. His speeches keepit Breetish fettle up, an he helpit tae guide the kintra's militar wi his generals tae win the war, whan it haed leukit lik Breetain wad be invadit. This makkit him verra popular wi Breetish fowk, an he is conseedered ane o the best orators e'er. Warld War 2 endit lang an lenth in August 1945.
Efter the War
[eedit | eedit soorce]Efter the war, maugre his undeemous popularity, he tint the neist general election. This is jaloused tae be acause the Breetish fowk socht reform efter the war. Houaniver he bid in politics, an wis reelectit as Prime Meenister in 1951. Durin this time, he haed tae deal wi the Mau Mau rebellion an the Malayan Emergency, but aucht unweel halth, he retired as Prime Meenister in 1955. He than spent less time in Pairlament till he retired frae poleetics awthegither in 1964. He dee'd in 1965. Nouadays he is conseedered ane o the best orators, leaders an Breetish fowk e'er.
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- 1874 births
- 1965 daiths
- 4t Queen's Ain Hussars afficers
- Breetish Airmy personnel o the Mahdist War
- Breetish Airmy personnel o Warld War I
- Breetish escapees
- Breetish militar personnel o the Malakand Frontier War
- Breetish Nobel laureates
- Breetish prisoners o war
- Breetish war correspondents
- Cardiovascular disease daiths in Ingland
- Chancellors o the Duchy o Lancaster
- Chancellors o the Exchequer o the Unitit Kinrick
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- Leaders o the Hoose o Commons
- Leaders o the Opposeetion (Unitit Kinrick)
- Leeberal Pairty (UK) MPs
- Lords Warden o the Cinque Ports
- Members o the Order o Meerit
- Members o the Order o the Companions o Honour
- Members o the Privy Cooncil o the Unitit Kinrick
- Members o the Queen's Privy Cooncil for Canadae
- Members o the Pairlament o the Unitit Kinrick for Dundee constituencies
- Members o the Pairlament o the Unitit Kinrick for Inglis constituencies
- Members o Trinity Hoose
- Nobel laureates in Leeteratur
- Fowk eddicatit at Harrow Schuil
- Fowk eddicatit at St. George's Schuil, Ascot
- Fowk frae Woodstock, Oxfordshire
- Prime Meenisters o the Unitit Kinrick
- Queen's Ain Oxfordshire Hussars afficers
- Recipients o Keeng Christian X's Liberty Medal
- Recipients o the Croix de Guerre (Belgium)
- Recipients o the Croix de Guerre 1939–1945 (Fraunce)
- Recipients o the Médaille Militaire
- Recipients o the Order o the Starn o Nepal
- Rectors o the Varsity o Aiberdeen
- Rectors o the Varsity o Edinburgh
- Ryal Air Force afficers hauldin honorary commissions
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- Seicont Boer War prisoners o war
- Secretaries o State for Air (UK)
- Secretaries o State for the Colonies (UK)
- Secretaries o State for the Hame Depairtment
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- Sooth African Licht Horse afficers
- Spencer-Churchill faimily
- UK MPs 1900–1906
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- UK MPs 1935–1945
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- UK MPs 1950–1951
- UK MPs 1951–1955
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- UK MPs 1959–1964
- Warld War II poleetical leaders