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Romanie mafia

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Romanie mafia
Foondin locationRomanie
TerritoryRomanie, Greece, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Unitit Kinrick, Swaden, Ireland, Italy, Spain.
Ethnicitymajority o ethnic Romanies, Aromanians, some Roma fowk
Creeminal activitiesAirms trokin, arson, Assault, coonterfeitin, Drog trokin, Extortion, Fraud, Human trokin, illegal gamblin, Kidnappin, Murther, prostitution, Racketeerin, Theft.

The Romanie mafia is a term uised for organisit crime groups based in Romanie an componed o ethnic Romanies. Romanie crime groups are active in Romanie an in ither European Union kintras, maistly in northren Italy an Spain. Thay pairticipate in a wide reeng o criminal activities frae prostitution an extortion til drog trokin. In recent years Romanie organisit criminal groups hae expandit thair criminal activities in the EU.[1]


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Romanie organisit criminal groups aft wirk in sma cells. Despite thair apparent autonomous activities the cells are aften pairt o a mair muckle hierarchical group. Thon groups are pyramidal organisations wi strict centralisit control an a clear diveesion o tasks.[1]

Criminal activities

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In Romanie thare are some gangs active in a wide reeng o criminal activities. Some o thir gangs hae expandit thair operations tae ither European Union states. Pouerful clans are :

  • The Şteoacă clan frae Bucharest : the clan is considered ane o the maistmuckle drog gangs in Bucharest.[2]
  • The Duduieni, Caran an Gigi Corsicanu clan : Gigi Corsicanu is the leader o the fans o the Rapid fitbaa club. The Duduianu an Caran clans are allegedly involvit in prostitution, uisury, store an hame robberies, drog trokin.[2]
  • The Ghenosu clan frae Dambovita : The Ghenosu clan seems tae be enjoyin the support o several important fowk in the polis an courts systems. The Ghenosu clan haes tees wi the Corduneanu clan an wi that o the Cămătaru brithers an is allegedly involvit in drog trokin, pimpin an racketeerin.[2] The Ghenosu clan in pairteecular haes expandit its operations intae ither European countries, mainly Airlan.[3]
  • The Feraru clan : The clan controlled bi Feraru wis the ane that haed a prostitution netwark in Spain; the leader o the group, Costel Feraru, is currently servin a sax year sentence.[2]
  • The Vasile clan frae Vrancea : The "Lang haired" clan, led bi Tătaru Vasile, specialises in illegal sales o contrabaund cigarettes, uisury an caur trokin. In the same coonty, the group led bi Argint Costică specialises in racketeerin in Romanie an in Italy alike.[2]
  • The Clamparu clan frae Botosani : the leader o the Clămparu clan, nicknamed Cap-de-Porc ("Pighead"), is involvit in the maist dangerous prostitution rings. Thay are involvit in drog trokin.[4]
  • The Rohozeanu clan frae Arad : The clan o Uţu Rohozeanu, elk-namit "Stephen the Great" or "Vlad Ţepeş", coonts as the biggest an maist violent organisit crime faction in Wastren Romanie, an awreidy haes unner his belt a conflict wi anither important clan in the region, the ane controllt bi Claudiu Baderca o Timişoara. In 2009, thay wur arrestit bi the authorities, but no for lang.[2]

Romanie gangs control maist o the prostitution in Spain. Thay hae complete control ower prostitution in Catalonie, Valencie an Murcie.[5]

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  • The Negrea gang in the videogemme Wheelman is Romanie.
  • In the Punisher series, thare's a Romanie gang cried the "Bulat gang" an aw.


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  1. a b "Archived copy". Archived frae the original on 4 Mairch 2016. Retrieved 30 November 2012.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  2. a b c d e f http://www.bursa.ro/the-national-gangster-network-152466&s=print&sr=articol&id_articol=152466.html
  3. http://www.irishexaminer.com/features/despicable-trade-run-from-jail-cell-165944.html
  4. http://hetq.am/eng/news/11107/
  5. "Archived copy". Archived frae the original on 30 Mairch 2013. Retrieved 25 December 2021.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)

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