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Crimean Gothic leid

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Crimean Gothic is ae extinct Aist Germanic leid that wis spak bi Crimean Goths in Crimea til the 18t yeirhunner.[1] It haes the Gothic leid as ae antecessor.


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Ae Crimean dialeck o ae Germanic leid is notit in a nummer o soorces fae the 9t yeirhunnner til the 18t yeirhunner. But ainly ane soorce shaws whit is kent anent the leid, that is a letter fae the Flemish ambassador Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq, datit aroun 1562 an published fur the first time in 1589. This gies a leet o aroun achty wirds an a song in the leid.

Busbecq's accoont haes ae wee bit o problems. The informants wur nae unimpeachable; ane wis ae Greek spikker that haed Crimean Gothic as ae seicont leid, an the ither wis a Goth that wud maistly spik Greek insteid o Crimean Gothic. Forby, Busbecq's transcription wis maist likely influenced bi his ain leid, a Flemish dialeck o Dutch.[2] Forby, there are undoobtit typographical errors in kent extant versions o the accoont.

Maist vocabulary citit bi Busbecq is Germanic an wis recognised bi him.

Crimean Gothic Scots English Bible Gothic Proto-Germanic West Germanic Old Norse Dutch German Icelandic Swadish
handa haund hand handus (f.) *handuz *handu hǫnd hand Hand hönd hand
schuuester sister sister swistar (f.) *swestēr *swester systir zus(ter) Schwester systir syster
hus hoose house -hūs (n.) *hūsą *hūs hús huis Haus hús hus
reghen rain rain rign *regną *regn regn regen Regen regn regn
singhen singin to sing siggwan[1] *singwaną *singwan syngva,


zingen singen syngja sjunga
geen gangin to go gaggan[1] *gāną *gān gaan gehen ganga
^ Medial -⟨gg⟩- in the Biblical Gothic examples represent /ŋg/.

de Busbecq cites wirds that he didna ken but the noo haev kent Germanic cognates:

Crimean Gothic Scots Inglis Bible Gothic Proto-Germanic West Germanic Old Norse Dutch German Icelandic Norwegian
meaning cognate
ano rooster — (Auld Inglis hana;

compare hen)

rooster hana *hanô *hanō haðnahani haan Hahn hani hane
malthata said mell said *maþlijaną *maþlōn


mælti (ver)mählen mælti mælte

Busbecq alsae mentions ae definite article, that he records as bein tho or the. This form can mein ae gender distinction or allomorphy — the latter micht be ae akin til the English "the", that is pronounced /ðə/ or /ðiː/.

In 1780, Stanisław Bohusz Siestrzeńcewicz, ae Archbishop o Mogilev, visitit the soothart pairt o Crimea an Sevastopol. Accordin til his accoont, he met some Tatars that spoak a language seemlar til Nether-Saxon; this wis maist likely Crimean Gothic.[3]


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  1. Todd B. Krause and Jonathan Slocum. "The Corpus of Crimean Gothic". University of Texas at Austin. Archived frae the original on 2 Mairch 2007. Retrieved 6 Februar 2008.
  2. Stearns, 1987, p.70
  3. Mithridates oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde; 1817, S. 168


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  • MacDonald Stearns, Crimean Gothic. Analysis and Etymology of the Corpus, Saratoga 1978. Haes Latin tex o Busbecq's report an English translations.

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