
Zele is a municipality locatit in the Belgian province o East Flanders. The municipality anerlie comprises the toun o Zele proper. On Januar 1, 2006 Zele haed a total population o 20,371. The total aurie is 33.06 km² which gives a population density o 616 inhabitants per km².
Famous inhabitants
[eedit | eedit soorce]- Pierre de Decker, Umwhile Prime Meenister o Belgium (1855–1857)
- Caroline Maes, professional tennis player
- Christophe Impens, Belgian recordholder 1500 m run, semi-finalist at Atlanta Oleempics.
- Filip De Wilde, professional fitbaa player.
Ither meanins
[eedit | eedit soorce]Zelé (зеле) means 'cabbitch' in Bulgarian. Zele wis a ceety in Pontus whaur a synod wis held.
Želė means 'jelly' in Lithuanie.
Freemit airtins
[eedit | eedit soorce]- Offeecial wabsteid (in Dutch)