Whithorn wis first kent (in Laitin) as a modren form o the Anglo-Saxon version o this name, Hwit Ærn "white hosue". In Gallowa Gaelic it wis cried Rosnat or Futarna, the latter a version o the Anglo-Saxon name (Gaelic haesna a soond like the English 'wh').[2]
A monastery an diocese o the Anglo-SaxonKinrick o Northumbrie wis foondit on the site in the 8t century. It wis the revised centre o the See o Gallowa (or o Candida Casa) unner the patronage o Fergus, Laird o Gallowa an Bishop Gille Aldan fae the 12t century. The late-medieval cathedral Whithorn Priory is in ruins, muckle o it haein disappeart completely apairt fae the muckle-altert aisle-less nave an vauts at the umwhile eastren end that aince haudit the shrine o Saunt Ringan, ane o medieval Scotland's major pilgrimage destinations. A museum in the toun conteens artifacts fae the site, that haes been howkit extensive in the last wheen o years. A late-medieval weygate with the airms o the Scots monarchs leads intil the site o the priory, that conteens the 19t-century pairish kirk an a museum o cairved stantes (haint bi Historic Scotland. The collection o early medieval stanes is ane o the lairgest in Scotland, an includes the kintra's earliest survivin Christian memorial, the 5t-centoure insrieved "Latinus Stane". The museum ootset an shawin wis revised and greatly impruived in 2005.
Ane o the finest artifacts fund at the site is the Whithorn crozier. The giltit an enamelt crozier is an ootstaundin exemple o champlevé enamels that wis being made in England in the seicont hauf o the 12t century, and this ane dates til aroond 1175.[3] It is noo hoosed in the National Museums o Scotland, awthou it is lent til the Whithorn Trust Veesitors Centre ilka simmer. It is thocht that the crozier wis buirit wi the body o Simon de Wedale that wis ane o the Bishops o Whithorn.
St Martin an St Ninian Catholic Kirk, George Street, biggit 1959-60. It wis designt bi Harry Stuart Goodhart-Rendel an is his anely kent biggin in Scotland.[1] The ben wis re-ordert wi the altar brocht forrit fae the east waw follaein the reforms o the Seicont Vatican Cooncil. At that time the baldacchino wis demolisht an aw, and the decorous airnwark at the bapteestry an communion rail wrackit. The oreeginal Creetoun granite altar wis place't ootby again the east uplift. A possible soorce o inspiration is the kirk o San Julián de los Prados Oveida, Asturias, Spaingie.[2] The East uplift haes a cairved Hew Lorimer crucifix muntit til the waw. The crucifix haesna forn weel efter puir cleanin in 1997 led tae signeeficant tynin o detail. The kirk includin the quadrant waws is leetit Category C(S).
Whithorn PriorySt Ninian's Priory, Kirk o Scotland. It wis biggit in 1882 uisin stanes fae the medieval Whithorn Priory. The tour wis addit in the mid-19t century. The airchle wis addit bi Peter MacGregor Chalmers in 1914.
Whithorn's link til the sea wis the port kent as the Isle o Whithorn (a separate community fae Whithorn itsel, an actually a peninsula). It wis muckle uised in the Middle Ages bi pilgrims arrivin bi boat. The 13t century Saunt Ringan's Chaipel merkit the place whaur pilgrims cam on the shore (the ruif-less remeens is haint bi Historic Scotland.
The 1t century sattlement o Rispain Camp, aboot ae mile wast o Whithorn, is haint bi Historic Scotland an aw.
Whithorn wis aince served bi the Whithorn railwey station (appent 1877) until 1950 whan the passenger service wis reteert an the fraucht services fawin veectim til the Beeching cuts in 1964. The track wis liftit in Apryle 1965.[4]
Alastair Reid (1926-2014) - poet an scholart o Sooth American literatur.[6]
George Dickie (1912-1951) - kent as Jack Brent an aw, he focht in the Spaingie Ceevil War again the forces o Francisco Franco. A memorial plaque wis unveilt neist til the Pend whaur he aine wrocht as an assistant. His story is telt bi his neffae, John Dickie, in the 2012 biography Geordie's Story: A life of Jack Brent.[7][3]Archived 2020-03-27 at the Wayback Machine
Jeannie Donnan (1864-1942) - "The Galloway Poetess" wis born in Gaithoose o Fleet bit later flittit tae Whithorn whaur she bade on George Street an whaur she is commemoratit bi a plaque.
↑Dickie, John (2012). Geordie's Story: The Life of Jack Brent. Azian Publications. ISBN9780957248021.
Glenn, V. (2003). [Whithorn at Google BooksRomanesque and Gothic: decorative metalwork and ivory carvings in the Museum of Scotland] Check |url= value (help). Edinburgh: Museum.CS1 maint: ref=harv (link)
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