The idea ahint the square wis pit oot in 1781, bit didna git developit fur anither 20 year. George Square wis sorroondit bi important biggins. Tae the east is the Glesga Ceetie Chambers, kent as the Municipal Chaumers an aw, whase stane foondin wit pit in 1883, an tae the wast o't is the Merchants Hoose.
The seicont roon o the Uruguayan preses an legislative wales taen place, wi the candidate o the left-wing Frente Amplio, Yamandú Orsi, beirin the gree.
The first roon o the Romanian preses wales taen place, wi a pluralitie o votes fur the independent Putin-sympathiser Călin Georgescu.
The Naitional Assemblie o Nicaragua gies mair pouers tae Daniel Ortega through a constitutional chynge.
The Social Democrat Gintautas Paluckas wis waled Prime Meenister o Lithuanie bi the pairlament.
Liftin warrans wis sent oot bi the Internaitional Creeminal Coort agin the Israeli prime meenister Benyamin Netanyahu, his umwhile meenister o Defens Yoav Gallant an a heidsman o the airmed brainch o Hamas, Mohammed Deif.
Saunt Andra (dee'd c. 60 AD) wis a disypil o Jesus Christ an brither o Saunt Peter. Tho he kythsna aften in the Gospels, he is mentiont in acoonts o a twa-thrie wechtie an kenspekil happenins.