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Sacatepéquez Depairtment

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Sacatepéquez is ane o the 22 depairtments o Guatemala. Population estimate 265,500 in 2000. The name comes frae Sacatepéquez, a ceety frae 21 November 1542 till 29 Julie 1773 when it wis destroyed bi the Santa Marta earthquake. Sacatepéquez means grasshill in the Pipil Maya dialect.

The caipital o Sacatepéquez is Antigua Guatemala. Ither important ceeties include Ciudad Vieja.


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  1. Alotenango
  2. Antigua Guatemala
  3. Ciudad Vieja
  4. Jocotenango
  5. Magdalena Milpas Altas
  6. Pastores
  7. San Antonio Aguas Calientes
  8. San Bartolomé Milpas Altas
  9. San Lucas Sacatepéquez
  10. San Miguel Dueñas
  11. Santiago Sacatepéquez
  12. Santa Catarina Barahona
  13. Santa Lucía Milpas Altas
  14. Santa María de Jesús
  15. Santo Domingo Xenacoj
  16. Sumpango


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Rivers include: Guacalate, Los Encuentros, Las Cañas, Pensativo y Sumpango.

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