
Kirkbean is a smaw veelage an ceevil pairish on the Solway Firth, in the historical coonty o Kirkcoubrieshire in Dumfries an Gallowa In the 2001 census, the fower smaw veelages makkin up the pairish o Kirkbean hid an awthegither population o 643 people. The pairish includes an aw the clachan o Loaninfit.
[eedit | eedit soorce]The pairish wis the depairtur pynt for thoosands o Scots seekin a better life in the American an Australian colonys durn the late 18t and early 19t centurys. Convicts wis transportit an aw tae Australie fae here, makkin the pairish a rich soorce o genealogical history.
Kenspeckle residenters
[eedit | eedit soorce]- John Campbell (1720-1790) - Breetish naval officer, navigation expert, colonial governor o Newfoundland Colony, noo a pairt o the province o Newfoundland an Labrador in Canadae, wis born here.
- James Craik (c.1727-1814) - Physeecian General o the Unitit States Airmy, personal doctor and freend o George Washington.
- John Paul Jones (1747-1792) - foonder o the Unitit States Navy, rear-admiral o the Navy o the Roushie Empire.
- Helen Craik (c. 1751-1825) - poet, novellist
- William Stewart Ross (1844-1906) - writer, publisher, secularist thinker aften kent as "Saladin"
- Jean Thurot (1755-1883) - son o François Thurot, a French naval commodore an kepper, wis buirit in Kirkbean buirial yaird.
- Herbert James Gunn (1893-1964) - airtist, bade wi his faimily in Caresthorn durin Warld War II.[2]
Naitural heritage
[eedit | eedit soorce]The local strands an the bird-rich merse where a hantle o seabirds bide or ower-winter is a pairt o the naitural heritage o the pairish. Veesitors til the National Naitur Reserve on the faur side o the River Nith come tae watch the birds on the Carsethorn foreshore, afore conteenain til the naitur reserves at Soothick and Merseheid.
The veelage his an offeecial community wabsteid.[3]
[eedit | eedit soorce]- ↑ KS01 Usual resident population, Kirkbean,, 21 Apryle 2001, archived frae the original on 19 Mey 2011, retrieved 25 September 2008
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ "Retrieved 28 September 2016". Archived frae the original on 30 September 2020. Retrieved 3 Apryle 2020.
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