Jizzax Province
Jizzax Province (Uzbek: Jizzax viloyati / Жиззах вилояти) is a viloyat (province) o Uzbekistan locatit in the centre o the kintra. It borders wi Tajikstan tae the sooth an sooth-east, Samarqand Province tae the wast, Navoiy Province tae the north-wast, Kazakhstan tae the north, an Sirdaryo Province tae the east. It covers an aurie o 20,500 km². The population is estimatit tae be aroond 910,500, wi some 80% livin in rural auries.
The provincial caipital is Jizzakh (pop est 127,500 indwallers). Ither major touns include Dustlik, Gagarin, Gallyaaral (Gallaorol), Pakhtakor, an Mardjanbulak. Jizzax Province wis umwhile a pairt o Sirdaryo Province but wis gien separate status in 1973.
The climate is a teepically continental climate, wi mild winters an het, dry simmers.
The economy o Jizzax Province is primarily based on agricultur. Cotton an wheat are the main craps, an extensive irrigation is uised. Naitural resoorces include leid, zinc, airn, an limestane.
The province haes a well-developit transportation infrastructur, wi ower 2500 km o surfacit roads.
The bonnie Zaamin Naitional Pairk, umwhile Guralash Preserve, on the wastren slopes o the Turkestan Range an kent for its unique fauna an flora, is athin the province an aw.
Wildlife is extremely rich here; in spring an in simmer alpine meadaes are gray wi multitude o colors, bricht-reid tulips an snaw-white acacias. In hairst the hills thay are magnificently decoratit wi the gowden domes o the hazelnut trees, columns o birch-trees, touerin plane trees, an green rones. Heich in the muntains, in the upper pairt o the Garalashsay gorge, is a nestin-place o black storks. Thir rare birds are the pride an joy o Uzbekistan. Thay are written doun in the "Redbooks" in mony kintras as an endangered species. Early in the ware whan the Amasay Depression is fluidit, flocks o deuks, wild geese, pelicans an grey herons come here. This territory sers as a nestin place for rose-coloured starlins, shrikes, an sandpipers.
[eedit | eedit soorce]The province is dividit intae 12 destricts (tumans):
Key | Destrict name | Destrict caipital |
1 | Arnasay | Goliblar |
2 | Bakhmal | Usmat |
3 | Gallaorol | Gallorol |
4 | Jizzakh | Uchtepa |
5 | Dustlik | Dustlik |
6 | Zaamin | Zaamin |
7 | Zarbdar | Zarbdar |
8 | Zafarobod | Zafarobod |
9 | Mirzachul | Gagarin |
10 | Pakhtakor | Pakhtakor |
11 | Forish | Yangikishlok |
12 | Yangiabad | Balandchakir |
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