Template:On this day/13 September
- 1229 – Ögedei Khan is proclaimed Khagan o the Mongol Empire in Kodoe Aral, Khentii: Mongolie.
- 1501 – Italian Renaissance: Michelangelo begins wirk on his statue o David.
- 1609 – Henry Hudson reaches the river that wad later be named efter him – the Hudson River.
- 1848 – Vermont railwey wirker Phineas Gage (picturt) survives an airn rod 1 1⁄4 inches (3.2 cm) in diameter bein driven throu his brain; the reportit effects on his behaviour an personality stimulate thinkin aboot the naitur o the brain an its functions.
- 1985 – Super Mario Bros. is released in Japan for the NES, that stairts the Super Mario series o platformin gemmes.
Titus (d. 81 AD) · Thomas Müller (b. 1989) · Tupac Shakur (d. 1996)