
Rhineland-Palatinate is ane o the 16 states o the Federal Republic o Germany. It haes an aurie o 19,846 square kilometre (7,663 sq mi) an thareaboot fower million inhabitant. The caipital is Mainz. It is forby commonly refert tae bi its German name, Rheinland-Pfalz.
[eedit | eedit soorce]The state o Rhineland-Palatinate wis estaiblished on the 30t August 1946. It wis formed frae the northren pairt o the French Occupation Zone, whilk included pairts o Bavarie (the Rhenish Palatinate), the soothren pairts o the Proushie Rhine Province (includin the Destrict o Birkenfeld whilk umwhile belanged Oldenburg), pairts o the Proushie Province o Nassau (see Hesse-Nassau), an pairts o Hesse-Darmstadt (Rhinehessen on the wastren braes o the Rhine); the constitution wis legally confirmed bi referendum on 18 Mey 1947.
[eedit | eedit soorce]Situate in wastren Germany, Rhineland-Palatinate borders (frae the north an clockwise) North Rhine-Westphalie, Hesse, Baden-Württemberg, Fraunce, Saarland, Luxembourg an Belgium.
The lairgest river in the state is the Rhine, whilk forms the mairch wi Baden-Württemberg an Hesse in the southeast afore flowin through the northren pairt o Rhineland-Palatinate. The Rhine Valley is bundit bi muntain chains an forms a fascinatin landscape containin some o the maist historically significant places in Germany.
The Eifel an Hunsrück muntain chains is foond on the wast bank o the Rhine in northren Rhineland-Palatinate, while the Westerwald an Taunus muntains are foond on the east bank. The hilly lands in the soothmaist region o the state is kivered bi the Palatinate forest an the Palatinate.
Thir muntain chains is separate frae ilk ither bi several tributaries o the Rhine: the Mosel, the Lahn an the Nahe.
The modren state consists o a conglomeration o the historic regions o soothren Rheinland Province, Rheinhessen an the Palatinate.
See an aa Leet o places in Rhineland-Palatinate.
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Rhineland-Palatinate is dividit intae 24 destricts, umwhile grouped intae the three admeenistrative regions: Koblenz, Trier an Rheinhessen-Pfalz.
Syne 2000, the employees an assets o the umwhile admeenistrative regions haes been organized intae the Aufsichts- un Dienstleistungsdirektion Trier (Supervisory an Service Directorate Trier) an the Struktur- un Genehmigungsdirektionen (Structural an Appruival Directorates) Nord in Koblenz an Süd in Neustadt (Weinstraße). Thir admeenistrations execute their authority ower the whole state, i.e., the ADD Trier owersees aw schuils.
Map o the destricts o Rhineland-Palatinate:
Ivery destrict is componed o numerous municipalities, whilk can consist o ceeties, veelages, or groups o veelages kent as Verbandsgemeinden. There istwal urban destricts an aa, that is identifee'd on the map wi letters:
- Frankenthal (F)
- Kaiserslautern (Ka)
- Koblenz Coblenz (Ko)
- Landau (La, the main ceety an an exclave)
- Ludwigshafen (Rheinpfalz-Kreis) (L)
- Mainz (M)
- Neustadt (Weinstraße) (N)
- Pirmasens (P)
- Speyer Spires (S)
- Trier (T)
- Worms (W)
- Zweibrücken (Z)
Freemit airtins
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