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Yulduz Usmonova

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Yulduz Usmonova
BornYulduz Urayimoxunovna Usmonova
(1963-12-12) 12 December 1963 (age 60)
Margilan, Uzbek SSR, USSR
  • singer
  • actress
  • social activist
Years active1991-present
BairnsNilufar Usmanova
Muisical career
  • vocals

Yulduz Usmonova (Roushifee'd form: Yulduz Usmanova) (Uzbek: Yulduz Usmonova, Юлдуз Усмонова) (born 12 Dizember 1963) is a well-kent Uzbek sangster an actress.[1] She haes achievit widespread fame in Uzbekistan, ither pairts o Central Asie, an mair recently in Turkey. Usmonova haes actit in a nummer o Uzbek films an aw.


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Yulduz Usmonova wis born in Margilan ceety locatit in Fergana region,[2] Uzbekistan. Her parents wirkit at a silk factory. She studiet muisic at the pedagogical institute in Margilan.

She wis discovered bi Gavharxonim Rahimova efter singin at a Weemen’s Day show. Gavharxonim helpit tae open mony doors for Usmanova. Efter bein introducit tae professors frae the Uzbakistan State Conservatory, she prepared unner their guidance. She studiet vocal, an then later became a popular sangster in Uzbekistan efter unthirldom in 1991. She became famous throuoot Central Asie an later in Turkey an haes released sangs in mony leids, such as Uzbek, Uyghur, Turkis, Roushie, Tajik, Arabic, Kazakh, an Tatar.[3]

As Uzbekistan’s maist popular sangster, she haes regularly appeared in concerts an haes released several albums. She is weel kent for her vocal opposition tae the practice o lip-syncin in "live" concerts which is widespread amang (younger) sangsters in Uzbekistan. She is ane o the few airtists remainin who aye sing live.

Yulduz Usmonova haes servit in the Uzbek pairlament. Maist o the rumors aboot her are spread oot bi her rivals on the popular muisic scene in Uzbekistan, an hae on mony occasions forcit her tae go into sel-inflictit exile tae Roushie, the US, an later tae Turkey.

In 2008, Usmonova emigratit tae Turkey citin dissatisfaction wi poleetical involvement an the incident that happened on 13 Mey 2005 in Fergana (kent as the "Bloody Friday in the Fergana Glen"). Housomeivver, in her awn interview Yulduz Usmonova cites the problems wi the control o the state in Uzbekistan ower whaur a sangster is alloued tae sing. She mentions that the Uzbek govrenment obstructit her frae performin in Turkmenistan, wi which Uzbek offeecials haed problematic relations ower border issues. Efter migration she launched a successful career in Turkey, scorin hits wi such singles as '"Beni kovma kalbinden", "Dünya", "Yalan" an "Seni Severdim," the latter bein a duet wi famous the Turkis sangster Yaşar.

She haes ane dochter, Nilufar Usmonova, born in 1987, a sangster an aw, an three guidchilder.


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Studio albums
  • 1999: Oqqan daryo oqaveradi
  • 2001: Buncha go'zal bu hayot
  • 2001: Oshiqlik
  • 2002: Yoshligim, beboshligim
  • 2003: Mendan meni so'rama
  • 2003: О Любви
  • 2004: Men o'zimni topmasam
  • 2005: Yondiraman, yonaman
  • 2005: Ayol
  • 2005: Биё, Жонам
  • 2006: Faqat sabr tiladim
  • 2007: Kerak bo'lsa jonim fido
  • 2007: O'zbekiston — qanday bo'lsang shunday sevaman
  • 2008: Inadim
  • 2009: Dunya
  • 2009: Sen ham asra, ko'zmunchog'ingman
  • 2010: Tilimdan emas dilimdan
  • 2010: Kible Benim Kalbimde
  • 2011: Bir Şans Ver


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  • (2003) “Mendan meni so'rama“
  • (2003) “Senga”
  • (2004) ‘’Qalb”
  • (2004) “Men kimman ayt”
  • (2004) “O'g'il bola”
  • (2005) “Biyo jonam biyo” (In Tajik)
  • (2005) “Ko'rmasam bo'lmas”
  • (2005) “Nadur” (feat. Akron Ibodullaev)
  • (2005) “Sevaman seni” (feat. Davron Ergashev)
  • (2006) “Bevafo yorim”
  • (2006) “Iymon”
  • (2006) “Jon me bari jon” (In Tajik)
  • (2006) “Muhabbat”
  • (2006) “Oh dilame” (In Tajik)
  • (2006) “Sog'inch”
  • (2006) “Тик так” (In Roushie)
  • (2006) “Ангел мой” (In Roushie)
  • (2007) “Dadajon”
  • (2007) “O'p - o'p”
  • (2007) “Oq kema”
  • (2007) “Yana bahor”
  • (2007) “Любовь моя” (feat. the baund "Достар") (In Roushie)
  • (2008) “Affet Allahim” (In Turkis)
  • (2008) “Babacim” (In Turkis)
  • (2008) “Öp” (In Turkis)
  • (2008) “Salovat”
  • (2008) “Shekilli”
  • (2009) “Görmesem Olmaz” (feat Fatih Erkoç)
  • (2009) “Yalan” (In Turkish)
  • (2010) “Beni kovma kalbinden” (In Turkis)
  • (2010) “Seni severdim" (In Turkish)
  • (2010) “Yalvar guzel Allah`a” (In Turkis)
  • (2010) “Yolvor go'zal Allohga”
  • (2011) “Aldadi” (feat. Athambek Yuldashev)
  • (2011) “Aynanayin”
  • (2011) “Belli belli” (In Turkis)
  • (2011) “Dunya” (In Turkis)
  • (2011) “Ey yor” (In Tajik)
  • (2011) “Ko'z yoshim oqar”


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  • Iron Man (Roushie: Железный мужчина) (Uzbek: Temir erkak) (1991)
  • Olov qa'ridagi farishta (1992)
  • Bolajon (1995)
  • Tohir va Zuhra yangi talqinda (2000)
  • Muhabbat sinovlari 2 (2004)
  • Qalblar to'lqini (2004)
  • Sarvinoz (2004)


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  1. "Yulduz Usmonova: I Haven't Left Uzbekistan (In Uzbek)". BBC's Uzbek Service. 6 October 2008. Retrieved 25 Apryle 2012.
  2. http://www.imzadi.nl/yulduz[deid airtin]
  3. "Biography of Yulduz Usmanova (In Russian)". Yulduz.uz. Archived frae the original on 18 September 2013. Retrieved 25 Apryle 2012.

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