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St Andra's Day

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Saunt Andra

St Andra's Day is the feast day o Saunt Andra an is celebrate on 30t November ilka yeir.[1]

Saunt Andra wis yin o Jesus Christ's first disypils an is the patron saunt o Scotland, syne 1320,[2] an St Andra's Day (Scots Gaelic: Là Naomh Aindrea) is Scotland's offeicial naitional day. In 2006, the Scots Pairlament waled ti mak the day a Bank Haliday.[3]

Syn 2002, St Andra's Day haes been Scotland's offeicial banner day anaw,[4] the Saltire Banner. It in the form o the cross o Saunt Andra, as he wis mairtyred but evitit bein seen as awnin aqualness tae Jesus an sae chase tae dee oan a saltire (X-shapit ruid).[5] The Saltire wul flee frae aw Scots Govrenment biggins wi a bannerpaul. Houme'er, Unitit Kinrick Govrenment biggins in Scotland wul flee the Union Banner, an anerlie flee the Saltire Banner gin thar is mair nor the ae bannerpul.[6][7]

In ithir kintras

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The 30t November has been a national holiday in Roumainie syne 2015. The apostle Andra is the patron saint o Cyprus, Scotland, Greece (The ceetie o Patras wis whaur he dee'd), Roumainie, Roushie, Ukraine, the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, San Andres Island (Colombie), Saunt Andra (Barbados) and Tenerife (Spainie).[8]

In Germany, the feast day hauds as Andreasnacht ("St Andra's Nicht"), in Austrik wi the custom of Andreasgebet ("St Andra's Prayer"), an in Poland as Andrzejki ("Andra's"). In pairts o thir kintras – alangsyd the Czechie, Slovakie an Romanie – the nicht afore St Andra's Day is seen as bein guid for lassies prattikin weirderie for ti finnd oot wha wul be thair guidman. Ae haunt is for the lassie ti horse a widden shae ower hir shouder. Gin it launds pyntin towarts the dure, it meins she wul be waddit that yeir. Ither lassies wul pour meltit leid intil a bowl o wattir - the thinkin bein that the leid wul furm intil a shape connectit ti hir futur guidman's perfaision.

In sum pairts o Czechie an Slovakie, yung lassies wad write doun the names o potential guidmen on wee bits o paper an stik thir inti wee bits o daich, cried Halusky. Whan kuikit, the first ane ti flotter til the surfass o the wattir wad kyth the name o thair futur guidman.

St Andra is the naitional saunt o Romanians an the Romanian Orthodox Kirk anaw.[9] In Romanie, it is the haunt for yung lassies ti pit 41 pikkils o wheat anaith thair pilla afore thay gang ti sleep, an gin thay dreim that oniebodie is cumin ti theif thair pikkils that meins that thay ar gaun ti git waddit neist yeir. In sum ither pairts o the kintra the lassies licht a caunil frae the Pace an bring it, at midnicht, til a funtin. Thay frain St Andra ti lat thaim glisk thair futur guidman.

Fortune tellin oan St Andra's eve bi Henryk Siemiradzski 1867

St Andra's Day is celebrate as the naitional day o Unthirldom in Barbados. As the patron saunt o Barbados, St Andra hauds in a nummer o Barbadian simbols lik the cross on the Coat o Airms, an the state's naitional honors seistim, that styls fowk as Knichts or Dames o St Andra. St Andra is forby the patron saunt o fishers.[3]


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  1. "See the other countries and cities St Andrew is the patron saint of". The Herald (in Inglis). 15 November 2024. Retrieved 4 December 2024.
  2. "See the other countries and cities St Andrew is the patron saint of". The Herald (in Inglis). 15 November 2024. Retrieved 4 December 2024.
  3. a b "What St Andrew's Day is and why Scotland gets a bank holiday". inews.co.uk (in Inglis). 26 November 2021. Retrieved 17 Januar 2022.
  4. Lawson, John Parker (1848). History of the Abbey and Palace of Holyroodhouse (in Inglis). H. Courtoy. p. 169.CS1 maint: date an year (link)
  5. , translatit bi James, M.R., "II", Monumenta Germaniae Historica: Bericht für das Jahr 1963/64, De Gruyter, pp. columns 821-847, 31 December 1964, ISBN 978-3-11-272549-8, retrieved 25 November 2024
  6. Editor, Marie Wolf, Whitehall. "Scottish public buildings allowed to fly the Saltire whenever they want" (in Inglis). ISSN 0140-0460. Retrieved 17 Januar 2022.CS1 maint: extra text: authors leet (link)
  7. "Westminster asks for every UK Government building to fly Union flag every day". The National (in Inglis). Retrieved 17 Januar 2022.
  8. "St Andrew's Day Tales and Traditions | Scotland.org". Scotland (in Inglis). Retrieved 17 Januar 2022.
  9. Sfantul Andrei - Sarbatoare romaneasca - autor: Desprecopii.com

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