Marjeyoun Destrict

The Marjeyoun Destrict is a destrict in the Nabatieh Govrenorate o Lebanon. The caipital o the destrict is Marjeyoun.
Marjeyoun (an aw Marjayoun Marj Ayoun) staunds majestically at a hill facin Munt Haramoun (Jabal El Sheikh, Munt Hermon) tae the East, Beaufort 1000 year auld Crusader Castle (Sh'ief Arnoun) abuin the Litani River an owerleukin Munt Amel (Jabal Amel) tae the Wast, The Rihan, Niha and the Lebanon Mountain Range to the North an the fertile plains o Sahil Marjeyoun that extends intae Northren Israel atween the Galilee finger an plains immediately unnerneath the Golan Heichts.
Photos o Marjeyoun
[eedit | eedit soorce]Marjeyoum Photo Album Archived 2014-11-29 at the Wayback Machine
Baladiyat Marjeyoun photo gallery Archived 2007-03-20 at the Wayback Machine
A view of Marjeyoun by satellite Archived 2015-06-08 at the Wayback Machine
Freemit airtins
[eedit | eedit soorce]- The Offeecial Marjeyoun Municipality Archived 2007-03-20 at the Wayback Machine
- Archived 2011-08-20 at the Wayback Machine