North Govrenorate

North Govrenorate (Arabic: الشمال; transliterated: ash-Shamal) is ane o the govrenorates o Lebanon. Its caipital is Tripoli.
[eedit | eedit soorce]The North Govrenorate is dividit intae destricts, or aqdya. The destricts are leetit belaw (caipitals in parentheses):
- Akkar (Halba)
- Batroun (Batroun)
- Bsharri (Bsharri)
- Koura (Amioun)
- Miniyeh-Danniyeh Destrict (Miniyeh)
- Tripoli (Tripoli)
- Zgharta (Zgharta / Ehden)
Releegion in the North Govrenorate
[eedit | eedit soorce]Sunni makes the majority wi 53.04%; Christians makes the seicont maist wi 44.68%; Shia makes the third wi 2.27%; Druze are the last wi 0.01%.