Interpol, whose full name is the Internaitional Criminal Police Organization – INTERPOL (Scots: Internaitional Creeminal Polis Organization),[1] is an organization facilitatin internaitional polis cooperation. It wis established as the Internaitional Criminal Police Commission in 1923 an adoptit its telegraphic address as its common name in 1956.
Its membership o 188 kintras provides finance o aroond $59 million throu annual contreibutions. The organization's heidquarters is in Lyon, Fraunce. It is the seicont lairgest intergovrenmental organization efter the Unitit Naitions.
[eedit | eedit soorce]The first significant muive towards creatin INTERPOL wis in 1914 at the First Internaitional Creeminal Polis Congress. Police officers, lawyers an magistrates frae 14 kintras gathered in Monaco tae discuss reest procedures, identification techniques, centralized internaitional creeminal records an extradition proceedins. Housomeivver Warld War I delayed this initiative an it wis no till 1923 that Interpol wis foondit in Austrick as the Internaitional Creeminal Police (ICP).
Follaein the Anschluss (Austrick's annexation bi Germany) in 1938, the organization fell unner the control o Nazi Germany, an the Commission's heidquarters wur eventually moved tae Berlin in 1942. Frae 1938 tae 1945, the presidents o Interpol includit Otto Steinhäusl, Reinhard Heydrich, Arthur Nebe, an Ernst Kaltenbrunner. Aw wur generals in the SS, an Kaltenbrunner wis the heichest rankin SS officer executit efter the Nuremberg Trials. Reinhard Heydrich wis assassinatit bi Czech (Kubiš) an Slovak (Gabčík) patriots in 1942.
Efter the end o World War II in 1945, the organization wis revived as the Internaitional Creeminal Polis Organization bi European Allied offeecials frae Belgium, Fraunce, Scandinavie an the Unitit Kinrick. Its new heidquarters wur establisht in Saunt-Cloud, a toun on the ootskirts o Paris. Thay remained thare till 1989, when thay wur moved tae thair present location, Lyon.
[eedit | eedit soorce]The role o Interpol is defined bi the general proveesions o its Constitution.
- In airticle 2
- Tae ensure an promote the widest possible mutual assistance atween aw creeminal polis authorities athin the leemits o the laws existin in the different kintras an in the spirit o the Universal Declaration o Human Richts.
- Tae establish an develop aw institutions likely tae contribute effectively tae the prevention an suppression o ordinary law creemes.
- In airticle 3
It is strictly forbidden for the Organization tae unnertake ony intervention or activities o a poleetical, military, releegious or racial character.
Secretaries-general an presidents
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Secretaries-general syne organization's inception in 1923:
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1923-1946 |
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1946-1951 |
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1951-1963 |
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1963-1978 |
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1978-1985 |
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1985-2000 |
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2000–present |
Presidents syne organization's inception in 1923:
References[eedit | eedit soorce]