Depairtments o Nicaragua
Nicaragua is a unitary republic, dividit for admeenistrative purposes intae fifteen depairtments (departamentos) an twa autonomous regions:

Department | Caipital | Population (2005) | Aurie (km²) | Pop. Density | |
1 | Boaco Depairtment | Boaco | 150,636 | 4177 | 36 |
2 | Carazo Depairtment | Jinotepe | 166,073 | 1081 | 154 |
3 | Chinandega Depairtment | Chinandega | 378,970 | 4822 | 79 |
4 | Chontales Depairtment | Juigalpa | 153,932 | 6481 | 24 |
5 | Estelí Depairtment | Estelí | 201,548 | 2230 | 90 |
6 | Granada Depairtment | Granada | 168,186 | 1040 | 162 |
7 | Jinotega Depairtment | Jinotega | 331,335 | 9222 | 36 |
8 | León Depairtment | León | 355,779 | 5138 | 69 |
9 | Madriz Depairtment | Somoto | 132,459 | 1708 | 78 |
10 | Managua Depairtment | Managua | 1,262,978 | 3465 | 365 |
11 | Masaya Depairtment | Masaya | 289,988 | 611 | 475 |
12 | Matagalpa Depairtment | Matagalpa | 469,172 | 6804 | 69 |
13 | Nueva Segovia Depairtment | Ocotal | 208,523 | 3491 | 60 |
14 | Rivas Depairtment | Rivas | 156,283 | 2162 | 72 |
15 | Río San Juan Depairtment | San Carlos | 95,596 | 7541 | 13 |
16 | Región Autónoma del Atlántico Norte | Bilwi | 314,130 | 33,106 | 10 |
17 | Región Autónoma del Atlántico Sur | Bluefields | 306,510 | 27,260 | 11 |
Zelaya Depairtment
[eedit | eedit soorce]In 1986, the new constitution established the Chairter o Autonomy (limitit sel-govrenment) for the umwhile depairtment o Zelaya, comprisin the entire eastren hauf o the kintra. The depairtment wis dividit intae twa autonomous regions (commonties). The Chairter o Autonomy is lairgely based on the model uised bi Spain. The commonties are govrened bi a Govrenor an a Regional Cooncil. Defense, etc. is the responsibility o the Central Govrenment in Managua.