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Bolívar, Montevideo

Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge
Liberty Biggin, Bolívar
Liberty Biggin, Bolívar
Street map of Bolívar - Mercado Modelo
Street map of Bolívar - Mercado Modelo
Location o Bolívar - Mercado Modelo in Montevideo
Location o Bolívar - Mercado Modelo in Montevideo
Coordinates: 34°52′6″S 56°9′58″W / 34.86833°S 56.16611°W / -34.86833; -56.16611Coordinates: 34°52′6″S 56°9′58″W / 34.86833°S 56.16611°W / -34.86833; -56.16611
Kintra Uruguay
DepairtmentMontevideo Depairtment

Bolívar is a barrio (neebourheid or destrict) o Montevideo, Uruguay an pairt o the Mercado Modelo / Bolívar composite barrio.


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Bolívar shares borders wi Brazo Oriental to the northwest, Cerrito tae the north, Pérez Castellanos tae the northeast, Mercado Modelo tae the sootheast, Jacinto Vera tae the sooth.

It is hame tae the Liberty Biggin an the Parque de las Esculturas, a pairk wi a permanent display o modren sculputes.

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Parque de las Esculturas