Wikipedia:Lessons (Relatit steid airtins)
Front page, 1: Editin, 2: Formattin, 3: Picturs, 4: Wikipaedia airtins, 5: Relatit steid airtins, 6: Ootside airtins, 7: Collogue pages, 8: Stairt an airticle, 9: Pynts ti mind, 10: Registration, 11: Namespaces, 12: Wrap-up
This airticle is pairt o the Wikipaedia Lessons |
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Wikipaedia haes relatit steids for unencyclopaedic content.
Relatit steids
[eedit soorce]Wikipaedia is for prose airticles aboot subjecks conseidered encyclopaedic (alang wi some topics that wad maistlins be foond in an almanac).
Onie airticle that juist defines a word, or short phrase, sic as ye micht finnd in an ordinar dictionary, an that canna be biggit intil an encyclopaedic entry, shuid be contreibuted ti Wikipaedia's sester projeck, Wiktionary.
Oreiginal source text, sic as poems frae a public domain beuk that ye want ti post ti mak it mair accessible, shuid be contreibutit ti ane o Wikipaedia's ither sester projects, Wikisource.
For a leet o aa relatit projecks, see the full leet o Wikimedia projecks.
Airtin ti the relatit steids
[eedit soorce]Gin ye hae an uncommon word in an airticle that ye screive, an ye jalouse that fowk michtna ken it. Sae ye're temptit ti try an airt til it on Wikipaedia, but there isna eneuch ti sey aboot that word ti mak a richt encyclopaedia entry: juist airt til its Wiktionary entry. (Gin Wiktionary daesna hae it neither, dae aabodie a favour an eik it ti Wiktionary, een gif it's juist a wee definition. Ither Wiktionarians will help mak it better.)
Stead o the hale URL, ye can uise a wiki airtin seimlar til an ordinar Wikipaedia airtin but wi a byordinar prefix. For exemplar,
- [[wiktionary:hoose]]
will airt ti the Wiktionary definition o the word "hoose". In yer airticle it will shaw as:
ye can hide the "wiktionary:" pairt bi eikin a "pipe" (vertical bar) character:
- [[wiktionary:hoose|]]
as laid oot on the page afore, sae that the result is:
The ither projecks hae seimlar shortcuts. For mair exemplars, see Whit wey ti airt ti Wikimedia projecks.
Cross-server airtins
[eedit soorce]Ye're viewin this article on the Scots version o Wikipaedia, but there's Wikipaedia edeitions wi airticles screiven in monie ither leids. Ti airt frae the Scots Wikipedia ti the Frainch airticle on the Auld Alliance, type:
- [[:fr:Auld Alliance]]
(Mak shuir ye uise the leadin colon.)
It will shaw as:
Likewise, ti airt frae the Frainch Wikipaedia back ti the airticle on the Auld Alliance in Scots, type:
- [[:sco:Auld Alliance]]
It will shaw as:
Sith there's a deal o airticles ti be foond on Wikipaedia (34,416 in Scots itsel juist nou — but ower 1,000,000 on aa leids pit thegither), ilk ane o the 100 or moe Wikipaedia leids haes its ain server. For a full leet o Wikipaedia leids an their shortcuts see Full Wikipaedia leet.
The Meta steid
[eedit soorce]There's the ae main steid that acks as a common area ti coordinate development o aa thir steids, Meta-Wikimedia. The Meta and English Wikipaedia steids can be airtit til in a seimlar gate:
- A bodie micht airt ti the Meta by typing something sic as:
- [[meta:Wikimedia News]]
- A bodie micht airt back ti the English 'pedia frae Meta bi typing something sic as:
- [[wikipedia:Auld Alliance]]
- Ti airt til anither projeck in anither leid, a bodie wad type something like:
- [[w:de:Auld Alliance]]
[eedit soorce]Gie it a shot! Here's the saundpit for this page.
Gang on wi the lessons.
Front page, 1: Editin, 2: Formattin, 3: Picturs, 4: Wikipaedia airtins, 5: Relatit steid airtins, 6: Ootside airtins, 7: Collogue pages, 8: Stairt an airticle, 9: Pynts ti mind, 10: Registration, 11: Namespaces, 12: Wrap-up