Wikipedia:Lessons (Wrap-up an mair wittins)
Front page, 1: Editin, 2: Formattin, 3: Picturs, 4: Wikipaedia airtins, 5: Relatit steid airtins, 6: Ootside airtins, 7: Collogue pages, 8: Stairt an airticle, 9: Pynts ti mind, 10: Registration, 11: Namespaces, 12: Wrap-up
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This airticle is pairt o the Wikipaedia Lessons |
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There! Ye nou ken the maist important things needed for contreibutin ti Wikipaedia. Haev ye onie comments or feedback on thir lessons? Div ye feel like something wisna explained weel eneuch, or div ye want to ken aboot something that isna here? Lat us ken bi pittin a comment on this page's collogue page. Ye can introduce yersel forbye at Wikipedia:New uiser log.
Thre's nae doot that a bodie can aye lairn mair. We've tried ti keep thir lessons short sae that ye can stairt editin as suin as possible, but for that raison there's a wheen o topics we haena gaen ower. The airtins ablo are pages ye micht finnd uisefu as ye gang on wi yer work on the wiki.
Gin ye see oniething ablo that taks yer fancie, or that ye ken will be richt uisefu ti yer work here, gang ahead an read it, or bookmark it an come back later.
Advice and general information
[eedit soorce]- Wikipedia:Walcome, ane an aa explains the steid an whit ti dae here.
- Evytin faux pas helps you evyte some common mistaks.
- Ken the wey ti contreibute, but nae whit to screive aboot? See Wikipedia:Contreibutin ti Wikipaedia for help.
- Rakin for ither weys ti mak airticles better? See Wikipedia:Guide til impruving articles.
- Exemplars o some o Wikipaedia's best airticles, based on thir weys o juidgin.
Byordinar lessons
[eedit soorce]- Wikipedia:Picture lessons is lessons on leyin oot eimages.
- Wikipedia:The wey til uise tables is lessons on uisin tables.
- Wikipedia:NPOV lessons is lessons on the gate ti screive frae a neutral perspective.
- Help:Formula is a leet o the mairkup symbols we uise for mathematical formulae.
Style an technique references
[eedit soorce]Directory: Wikipedia:Style an Whit-wey Directory
- Wikipedia:The wey til edit a page gies a deal o wittins on things like leyoot, chairacter sets, an variables.
- Wikipedia:The wey to stairt a page
- Wikipedia:Manual o Style
- Wikipedia:Annotated airticle
Commonty an policy references
[eedit soorce]- Wikipedia:Lessons/Glossary abbreviated glossary—the ten maist likely words ye'll meet.
- Wikipedia:Glossary explains the words ye'll see ither editors uise.
- Wikipedia:Commonty Yett gies ye airtins ti commonty resoorces—this page is aye ti haund in the navigation sidebar.
- Wikipedia:Policies and guidelines
[eedit soorce]- Wikipedia:FAQ is an index o ASQ pages on aa aspecks o Wikipaedia.
- Wikipedia:Utilities — a fuller directory o projeck pages nor the commonty yett.
- Wikipedia:Topical index — gin ye're aifter the fullest index.
Technical references
[eedit soorce]- MediaWiki User's Guide — a uiser's guide for the MediaWiki saftware that Wikipaedia rins on.
Front page, 1: Editin, 2: Formattin, 3: Picturs, 4: Wikipaedia airtins, 5: Relatit steid airtins, 6: Ootside airtins, 7: Collogue pages, 8: Stairt an airticle, 9: Pynts ti mind, 10: Registration, 11: Namespaces, 12: Wrap-up