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Wikipedia:Lessons (Formattin)

Frae Wikipedia, the free beuk o knawledge

Front page, 1: Editin, 2: Formattin, 3: Picturs, 4: Wikipaedia airtins, 5: Relatit steid airtins, 6: Ootside airtins, 7: Collogue pages, 8: Stairt an airticle, 9: Pynts ti mind, 10: Registration, 11: Namespaces, 12: Wrap-up

This airticle is pairt
o the Wikipaedia Lessons
Lesson pages...

Front page
Wikipaedia airtins
Relatit steid airtins
Ootside airtins
Collogue pages
Stairt an airticle
Pynts ti mind

See forby...

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Maist text formatting is maistlins duin wi Wiki mairkup, sae fowk dinna maun lairn HTML.

Wiki mairkup

[eedit soorce]

Screivin for wikipaedia airticles isnae aathegither like screivin on a staundart word processor. Stead o "whit ye see is whit ye get" (known forbye as WYSIWYG), wiki uises simple text codes for formattin. The gate is near ti that uised for screivin HTML for wab pages, but the codes are simpler.

The wiki can tak some HTML codes, but maist fowk uise the inbiggit MediaWiki mairkup leid, that's ettled for eith o editin.

Bauld an italics

[eedit soorce]

The maist uised wiki codes are bauld an italics. Bauldin an italicking is daen bi pittin a word or phrase within multiple apostrophes ('):

  • ''italics'' is shawn as italics. (2 apostrophes on either side)
  • '''bauld''' is shawn as bauld. (3 apostrophes on either side)
  • '''''bauldit italics''''' is shawn as bauldit italics. (2 + 3 = 5 apostrophes on either side)

It is a Wikipedia gate ti bauldface the subjeck o an airticle whan it is first mentioned in the airticle. For exemplar, the airticle Scotland stairts:

Scotland (Gaelic: Alba) is a kintra in nor-wast Europe, takkin up...

Gin there is alternatives ti the teitle the same applies, for exemplar Robert Burns stairts:

Robert Burns (25 Januar 175121 Julie 1796), kent forbye as Robbie or Rabbie Burns, is the naitional poet o Scotland...

Anither Wikipaedia gate is ti italick book, film an computer/video game teitles. Gin the first mention o the subjeck o an airticle is a book or film teitle an aa, then bauld italics is uised. For exemplar, the airticle The Beano stairts:

The Beano is a bairns comic magazine bi the D.C. Thomson firm. Its stablemate is The Dandy.

Headins an subheadins

[eedit soorce]

Headins an subheadins are an eith wey o impruvin the organization o an airticle. Gin ye can see twa or mair distinct subjecks bein discussed, ye can brak up the airticle bi pittin a headin for ilka section.

Headins can be duin this way:

  • ==Top level headin== (2 equals signs)
  • ===Subheadin=== (3 equals signs)
  • ====Anither level doun==== (4 equals signs)

Gin an airticle has ower fower headins, a table o contents will be generatit bi the wiki. Try makkin a headin in this page's saundpit. It will be eikit ti the table o contents for the page, gin that three ither headins were there afore.


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For instructions on whit wey ti indent, see Chapter 6 o thir Lessons

Wikipaedia formattin style

[eedit soorce]

Ye can get some wittins aboot staundart Wikipaedia formattin style in this annotated airticle.

Gang on wi the lessons.

Front page, 1: Editin, 2: Formattin, 3: Picturs, 4: Wikipaedia airtins, 5: Relatit steid airtins, 6: Ootside airtins, 7: Collogue pages, 8: Stairt an airticle, 9: Pynts ti mind, 10: Registration, 11: Namespaces, 12: Wrap-up