Uiser collogue:Cobra 3000~scowiki
[eedit soorce]Braw that ye're here, Cobra 3000~scowiki! Walcome til the Wikipedie in Scots: the first encyclopedie in the Scots leid!
Guid tae see ye. Some gibbles ye'll find uissfu:
- Aboot Wikipedie - whit it is an isna.
- Gin ye are interestit in writin airticles we bid ye hae a read o wir page anent writin Scots. Ye micht aiblins find thir dictionars helpfu.
- Tae find oot hou tae gang aboot editin an stairtin airticles, gang til the Wikipedie Lessons.
- For tae caw the crack anent the technical wirkins o the Wikipedie, gang til the Mercat Cross.
- Bi gaun throu the Commontie Yett ye'll can find aw kynd o wittins adae wi uisin an eikin til the Wikipedie.
- For tae hae a sey shottie, veesit oor Saundpit.
Dinna haud yer wheesht, haud yer ain!
Varlaam (talk) 18:24, 4 November 2012 (UTC)
Yer accoont will be renamed
[eedit soorce]Hallo,
The deveeloper team at Wikimedia is makin some chynges til hou accoonts wairk, aes pairt o oor oan-gaun efforts tae provide new n better tuils fer oor uisers like cross-wiki annooncemants. Thir chynges will mean that ye hae the same accoont name awsteids. This will lat us gie ye new featurs that will heelp ye tae eedit n tauk better, an allou mair flexible uiser permeessions fer tuils. Yin o the side-effects o this is that uiser accoonts will nou hae tae be uneeque across aw 900 Wikimedia wikis. See the annooncemant fer mair information.
Onfortunatelie, yer accoont clashes wi anither accoont cried Cobra 3000 ava. Tae mak sair that baith o ye can uise Wikimedia's wikis in futur, we will be renamin yer accoont til Cobra 3000~scowiki. Yer accoont will be renamed in Apryle 2015, alang wi ae nummer o ither accoonts.
Yer accoont will still wairk aes afore, n ye'll be creeditit fer aw o yer eedits dun sae faur, bit ye'll hae tae uise the new accoont name whan ye log in. Gif ye dinna like yer new uisername, ye can request that yer accoont be renamed again uisin this form.
Sairrie fer the onconveeneeance.
Keegan Peterzell
Community Liaison, Wikimedia Foundation
08:08, 20 Mairch 2015 (UTC)
[eedit soorce]This account has been renamed as part of single-user login finalisation. If you own this account you can log in using your previous username and password for more information. If you do not like this account's new name, you can choose your own using this form after logging in: Special:GlobalRenameRequest. -- Keegan (WMF) (talk)
10:41, 19 Apryle 2015 (UTC)