Filton is a toun in Sooth Gloucestershire, Ingland, on the northren ootskirts o Bristol. Filton is fund on junction 1 o the M32 motorwey an junction 16 o the M5 motorwey. It haes a smaa Railwey Station an aw, no far frae Pairkwey. It is twinned wi St Vallier-sur-Rhône, Fraunce an Witzenhausen, Germany. The local fitbaw (soccer) team is cried "St Vallier FC" efter it's French twin.
Filton is merkit as a centre o the aerospace industry, wi BAE Seestems, Airbus an Rolls-Royce haein factories locatit roond aboot Filton Aerodrome, a connection that gangs back tae the early days o the Bristol Aeroplane Company. On 26t November 2003, Concorde 216 (G-BOAF) makkit the final iver Concorde flicht, returnin tae Filton for tae be hauden thare permanent as the centrepiece o a projectit air museum. This museum will include the exeestin Bristol Aero Collection that is for the nou hauden in a hangar at Kemble Airfield, fowertie mile frae Filton. This collection includes a Bristol Britannia aircraft that micht aiblins be brocht tae Bristol an aw. Ither companies an organisations sic as the MOD, Viridor, Hewlett Packard an Ryal Mail haes a presence in Filton an aw.
Filton haes a reenge o eddicational faceelities, includin Filton College, Filton Hie Schuil an several primary schuils. The Varsity o the Wast o Ingland is at naurby Frenchay.
Filton haes twa main shoppin auries - the Shield Centre an Abbey Wid Retail Pairk, as weel as monie local shops. Tae the aest o the toun thare is a smaa aurie o widland kent as Splatt's Abbey Wid, wi an interestin history. Forby thon thare is a lairge gowf coorse locatit at Filton that belangs Filton Gowf Club.
Filton College
BAE Seestems aircraft hangars at thair Filton factory. The Bristol Brabazon, Bristol Britannia an Concorde wis constructit here.
Pairt o the Meenistry o Defence (Defence Procurement Agency) Biggin at Abbey Wid, Filton. The site employs 4200 fowk, managin procurement contracts for the Navy, the Airmie an the Air Force
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