Brest Region

Brest Region (Belaroushie: Брэ́сцкая во́бласць; Bresckaja vobłaść; Roushie: Бре́стская о́бласть; Brestskaya Oblast) is a province (voblast) o Belaroushie wi its admeenistrative center being Brest.
Important ceeties athin the voblast' include: Baranovichi, Brest, an Pinsk.
[eedit | eedit soorce]It is locatit in the soothwastren pairt o Belaroushie, borderin the Podlasie an Lublin Voivodships o Poland on the wast, the Volyn an Rivne Oblasts o Ukraine on the sooth, the Grodno an Minsk Regions on the north, an the Gomel Region on the east. The voblast' covers at total aurie o 32,300 km², aboot 15,7% o the naitional total.
It is aften dubbed the Wastren gateway tae Belaroushie. Geographically, the Brest Voblast belangs tae the aurie kent as Polesie. The aurie o the Voblast wis pairt o the Seicont Pols Republic frae 1921 till 1939 lairgely as the Polesie Voivodeship, when it wis joined tae the Byelorussian Soviet Socialist Republic.
[eedit | eedit soorce]The Brest Voblast haes a population o 1,462,900 (2004 estimate), aboot 14,7% o the naitional total. Aboot 47.2% o the voblast's population are men, an the remainin 52.8% are weemen.
O the major naitionalities livin in the Brest Voblast, 1,262,600 are Belaroushies (85%), 128,700 (8.6%) are Roushies, 57,100 (3.8%) are Ukrainians, an 27,100 (1.8%) are Poles.
Brest is the province wi the heichest birth rate in aw o Belaroushie. As o 2008, the birth rate wis 12.0 per 1000 an daith rate wis 13.4 per 1000. [1]
Admeenistrative Subdiveesions
[eedit | eedit soorce]The region wis formed in 1939 efter reunification o Wastren Belaroushie an the Byelorussian SSR. The day it comprises 16 destricts (raions), 225 selsovets, 20 ceeties, 5 ceety municipalities, 9 urban-type settlements, an 2178 veelages.
Raions o Brest Voblast
[eedit | eedit soorce]The saxteen raions (destricts) o the Brest Voblast are:
- Brest (Belaroushie: Брэст; Roushie: Брест) - 298,300
- Baranavičy (Belaroushie: Баранавічы; Roushie: Барановичи ) - 168,600
- Pinsk (Belaroushie: Пінск; Roushie: Пинск) - 130,500
- Kobryn (Belaroushie: Ко́брын, Ко́брынь; Roushie: Ко́брин) - 50,800
- Biaroza (Belaroushie: [Бяро́за, Бяро́за-Карту́ская] error: {{lang}}: text has italic markup (help); Roushie: Берёза) - 29,700
- Ivacevičy (Belaroushie: Івацэвічы; Roushie: Ивацевичи) - 24,100
- Łuńińec (Belaroushie: Лунінец; Roushie: Лунинец) - 23,900
- Pružany (Belaroushie: Пружаны; Roushie: Пружаны) - 19,800
- Ivanava or Janava (Belaroushie: Іванава, Янава; Roushie: Иваново) - 16,300
- Drahičyn (Belaroushie: Драгічын; Roushie: Дрогичин) - 15,000
- Hancavičy (Belaroushie: Ганцавічы; Roushie: Ганцевичи) - 14,800
- Mikaševičy (Belaroushie: Мікашэвічы; Roushie: Микашевичи) - 13,700
- Biełaaźorsk (Belaroushie: Белаазёрск; Roushie: Белоозёрск) - 13,200
- Žabinka (Belaroushie: Жабінка; Roushie: Жабинка) - 12,800
- Stolin (Belaroushie: Сто́лін; Roushie: Сто́лин) - 12,500
- Lachavičy (Belaroushie: Ляхавічы; Roushie: Ляховичи) - 11,600
- Małaryta (Belaroushie: Маларыта; Roushie: Малорита) - 11,500
- Kamiańec (Belaroushie: Камяне́ц; Roushie: Ка́менец) - 8,700
- Davyd-Haradok (Belaroushie: Давыд-Гарадок; Roushie: Давид-Городок) - 7,100
- Vysokaje (Belaroushie: Высокае; Roushie: Высокое) - 5,300
- Kosava or Mereszowszczyzna (Belaroushie: Косава; Roushie: Косово) - 2,400
See an aw
[eedit | eedit soorce]- Subdiveesions o Belaroushie
- Poland’s Polesie Voivodeship (1921-1939)
Freemit airtins
[eedit | eedit soorce]- (in Roushie)/(in Inglis) Brest Regional Executive Committee Archived 2020-06-02 at the Wayback Machine
Template:Brest Voblast Template:First-level admeenistrative diveesions o Belaroushie