The "Scots" that wis uised in this airticle wis written bi a body that haesna a guid grip on the leid. Please mak this airticle mair better gin ye can. (Dizember 2020)
Banner o Vietnam
The Banner o Vietnam frae 1976, offeecially the Socialist Republic o Vietnam, kent as the "red banner wi yellae starn" (cờ đỏ sao vàng) an aw, wis designed in 1940 an uised that year durin an uprisin against French rule in Cochincheenae. The banner wis uised bi the Việt Minh, a communist-led organization creatit in 1941 tae oppose Japanese occupation. When the Japanese surrendered at the end o Warld War II, Việt Minh leader Ho Chi Minh proclaimed the Democratic Republic o Vietnam in Hanoi wi hissel as preses. Hồ signed a decree on 5 September 1945 adoptin the Việt Minh banner as the banner o the DRV. The DRV became the govrenment o North Vietnam in 1954 follaein the Geneva Accords. The banner wis modifee'd in 1955 tae mak the edges o the starn sharper. The reid backgrund wis inspired bi the banner o the communist pairty, which in turn honors the red banner o the Paris Commune o 1871. It seembolizes revolution an bluid. The five-pointit yellae starn represents the unity o wirkers, peasants, intellectuals, traders an sodgers in biggin socialism. Till Saigon wis captured in 1975, Sooth Vietnam uised a yellae banner wi three reid stripes. The reid banner o North Vietnam became the banner o a unitit Vietnam when the Socialist Republic o Vietnam wis formed on 2 Julie 1976.
A yellae field, wi three reid stripes. The stripes represent the Quẻ Càn, or Qian trigram, interpretit as representin the regions o Vietnam (North, Central, an Sooth) an aw.