Austrick–Turkey relations
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Austrian–Turkish relations is relations atween Austrick an Turkey an thair predecessor states.
The Habsburgs and the Ottomans
[eedit | eedit soorce]Frae the middle ages til the twentieth yeirhunner, Austrick an Turkey wur the core regions athin mair muckle empires. Austrick wis the seat o the Hoose o Habsburg an Turkey wis ruled bi the Hoose o Osman (kent as the Ottoman Dynasty forby). The Habsburg an Ottoman states wur baith muckle multi-ethnic conglomerations sustained bi conquest. These rival empires waged frequent wars agin ilka ither ower control o much Central Europe an the Balkans.
Durin its peak, the Ottoman Empire threitint tae conquer the Austrick caipital o Vienna twice: in 1529 an 1683. Efter the seicont Ottoman defeat at Vienna an the end o the Great Turkis War in 1699, houaniver, the Habsburgs gained the upper haund, an captured Hungary an Croatie frae the Ottomans. Efter thir gains, Austrick wisnae able tae advance intae the Balkans, acause o the rival influence o Roushie, in a stalemate an dispute kent as the Eastren Question. Whiles Ottoman control in the Balkans went intae decline, the Austrians wurnae able tae annex ony new territory until Bosnie in 1908, an e'en that caused a diplomatic crisis (the Bosnie creesis). In the interim, Roushie haed gien help tae seeveral nationalities in the Balkans tae tak up airms agin the Ottomans an create separate nation-states in the Balkans. Efter the culmination o aw the chynges frae the Greek War o Unthirldom (1821–1829) tae the Balkan Wars (1912–1913) the Austrick an Ottoman empires nae langer haed mairches wi ilk ither. This alloued baith tae join the Central Powers as allies durin the First Warld War. The defeat o the Central Powers lead tae baith monarchies bein owerthrawn.
Austrick an Turkis republics
[eedit | eedit soorce]Austrick currently haes normal relations wi Turkey. Houaniver, thare are some minor complications. Austrick, that haes aboot 250,000 Turks bidin there (about 3% o Austrick's population), haes been at the forefront o stappin Turkey's accession tae the European Union.
Accession o Turkey tae the European Union
[eedit | eedit soorce]On 10 November 2010 relations atween the twa kintras wur excessively tensed efter the Turkis ambassador tae Austria accused the Austrick public an poleetical elite o xenophobia an called on internaitional organisations wi buildings in Vienna tae relocate tae anither kintra. The Freedom Pairtt cawed for the suspension o diplomatic relations an fur stappin the EU accession talks wi Ankara.
In December 2017, Turkey accuised the incomin Austrick govrenment o discrimination an racism, efter it wudnae agree tae Ankara jynin the EU. In addeition, Turkey slammed the EU for nae condemnin the Austrick govrenment's approach. The Turkis foreign meenistry accuised the incomin government o “dishonesty” forby an gied ae wairnishin that thair approach waukd bring Austrick “tae the brink o losing Turkey’s friendship” an be met wi “the reaction that it deserves.”[1]
[eedit | eedit soorce]- Armour, Ian D. (2007). A History of Eastern Europe 1740-1918. Hodder Arnold. ISBN 0-340-76040-0.
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