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Tlapa de Comonfort

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Tlapa de Comonfort
Official seal of Tlapa de Comonfort
Tlapa de Comonfort is located in Mexico
Tlapa de Comonfort
Tlapa de Comonfort
Coordinates: 17°32′46″N 98°34′35″W / 17.54611°N 98.57639°W / 17.54611; -98.57639Coordinates: 17°32′46″N 98°34′35″W / 17.54611°N 98.57639°W / 17.54611; -98.57639
Kintra Mexico
MunicipalityTlapa de Comonfort
 • Presidente MunicipalMartimiano Benítez Lorenzo
1100 m (3,600 ft)
(municipal seat v. municipality)
 • Urban
 • Metro
Time zoneUTC-6 (CST)
 • Summer (DST)UTC-5 (CDT)

Tlapa de Comonfort, aften shortened tae Tlapa an kent as Tinda'i in Mixtec, is a ceety in the muntain region o the Mexican state o Guerrero. It serves as the municipal seat for the surroondin municipality o the same name an aw.

"Tlapa" is a Nahuatl exonym frae tlappan or tluhpan, meanin "place o washin". The "de Comonfort" pairt o the name is in homage tae Preses Ignacio Comonfort.


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The Codex Azoyú indicates that the ceety nou kent as Tlapa wis foondit atween 1724 an 1756. References tae it an aw exist in codices an firth carvins frae the toun o Chiepetlán, claimin it wis foondit in 1607, an in the Humboldt Codex.

The municipality wis foondit in 1912, wi the escision o Guerrero frae the states o Puebla an México. It receivit ceety status in 1920.

Modren day

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The 2005 INEGI Census reportit a population o 37,975 in the municipal seat.[1] The current mayor is Victoriano Wences o the PT


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Freemit airtins

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